bung是什么意思 bung在线中文翻译



n. 塞子, 圆木塞, 桶孔, (非正式)家畜的盲肠/ *
vt. (非正式)丢, 使膨胀, 掷, 投, 推, 塞住
【机】 盖子, 炉盖
bung off
bung sth up


动词过去式:bunged 过去分词:bunged 现在分词:bunging 第三人称单数:bungs 


名词 bung:

  1. a plug used to close a hole in a barrel or flask同义词:spile

动词 bung:

  1. give a tip or gratuity to in return for a service, beyond the compensation agreed on同义词:tip, fee
  2. close with a cork or stopper


  1. It's about time Harry made some new women friends, but I'm afraid he's still bung up on his ex-wife.哈利该交些新的女朋友了,但我怕他仍然迷恋着他的前妻。
  2. Can I bung in a word yet?我是不是可以插句话?
  3. Bung me a cigarette.扔一支香烟给我。


n.(名词)A stopper especially for the hole through which a cask, keg, or barrel is filled or emptied.塞子:塞子,尤指木桶、圆桶或桶上用来注入或倒出的洞而配的塞子A bunghole.桶孔,桶口v.tr.(及物动词)bunged,bung.ing,bungs To close with or as if with a cork or stopper.用塞子塞:用或好象用木塞或塞子塞住Informal To injure or damage:【非正式用语】 伤害或破坏:例句:fell on skis and bunged up my leg.滑雪时摔了一跤,摔伤了腿
Chiefly British To fling; toss:【多用于英国】 猛扔;投掷:例句:.The Hungarian director bungs star Klaus Maria Brandauer once more into the breaches of past Teuton history.(Nigel Andrews).这位匈牙利导演又一次把新星克劳斯·玛丽亚·布兰道尔扔进古代日耳曼人历史的裂缝中去了.(奈杰尔·安德鲁斯)
来源:Middle English bunge 中古英语 bunge from Middle Dutch bonge 源自 中古荷兰语 bonge from Late Latin puncta [hole] 源自 后期拉丁语 puncta [洞] from Latin [feminine past participle of] pungere [to prick] * see peuk- 源自 拉丁语 [] pungere的阴性过去分词 [剌,扎,戳穿] *参见 peuk-