flurry是什么意思 flurry在线中文翻译



n. 疾风, 飓风, 慌张
vt. 使恐慌, 使激动
vi. 慌张
【经】 (市场中短期的)混乱
in a flurry


名词复数:flurries 动词过去式:flurried 过去分词:flurried 现在分词:flurrying 第三人称单数:flurries 


名词 flurry:

  1. a rapid active commotion同义词:bustle, hustle, ado, fuss, stir
  2. a light brief snowfall and gust of wind (or something resembling that)同义词:snow flurry

动词 flurry:

  1. move in an agitated or confused manner
  2. cause to feel embarrassment同义词:confuse, disconcert, put off


  1. A flurry of excitement went round the crowd as the film star arrived.电影明星到达时,人群中发生了一阵骚动。
  2. A flurry of wind upset the small boat.一阵疾风吹翻了小船。
  3. Keep calm! Don't get flurried.镇静些!别发慌。


n.(名词)【复数】 flur.ries A brief, light snowfall.一阵风雪:一次短而小的雪
A sudden gust of wind.一阵风A stirring mass, as of leaves or dust; a shower.一阵落叶;阵雨:活跃的物质,如树叶或尘土的骚动;骤雨A sudden burst or commotion; a stir:骚动,混乱:骚动或突然的爆发;骚动:例句:a flurry of interest in the new product; a flurry of activity when the plane landed.对新产品突发的兴趣;飞机降落时的一阵骚动
A short period of active trading, as on a stock exchange.小混乱:如股票市场的爆涨等短时期内的活跃行市v.(动词)flur.ried,flur.ry.ing,flur.ries v.tr.(及物动词)To agitate, stir, or confuse.使躁动、骚动或迷乱v.intr.(不及物动词)To move or come down in a flurry.慌乱,慌张地行动:在慌乱中运动或下降
来源:Perhaps from flurr [to scatter] 可能源自 flurr [散布]