derivative是什么意思 derivative在线中文翻译



a. 引出的, 派生的
n. 引出之物, 派生物, 衍生字
【化】 衍生物; 导数
【医】 衍化的, 诱导的, 衍化物, 诱导剂


名词:derivativeness 副词:derivatively 


名词 derivative:

  1. the result of mathematical differentiation; the instantaneous change of one quantity relative to another; df(x)/dx同义词:derived function, differential coefficient, differential, first derivative
  2. a financial instrument whose value is based on another security同义词:derivative instrument
  3. (linguistics) a word that is derived from another word

形容词 derivative:

  1. resulting from or employing derivation


  1. An organic derivative, such as coal or petroleum.有机衍生物一种有机衍生物,如煤或石油
  2. Not original; derivative.不是原本的; 衍生的
  3. A mark used as a superscript to indicate the first derivative of a variable.撇号置于右上角的符号,用以标明变量的第一个导数


adj.(形容词)Resulting from or employing derivation:导出的;演化的:得自由或使用派生物的:例句:a derivative word; a derivative process.衍生词;推导过程
Copied or adapted from others:拷贝的,改写的,无创意的:例句:a highly derivative prose style.毫无创意的散文风格
n.Abbr. deriv.,der.(名词)缩写 deriv.,der.Something derived.导出物,衍生物Linguistics A word formed from another by derivation, such aselectricity from electric. 【语言学】 衍生词:从其他词通过衍生得到的词,例如electricity(电,电力) 就是从 electric(电子) 衍生来的 Mathematics 【数学】 The limiting value of the ratio of the change in a function to the corresponding change in its independent variable.导数:函数相应其自变量的变化率的有限值The instantaneous rate of change of a function with respect to its variable.函数随其变量的即时变化率The slope of a graph of an equation at a given point.Also called differential coefficient ,fluxion 微商:方程曲线在某一给定点的斜率也作 differential coefficient,fluxionChemistry A compound derived or obtained from another and containing essential elements of the parent substance.【化学】 衍生物:从另一种物质演化出来的,包含其母体的基本元素的化合物