bid是什么意思 bid在线中文翻译



n. 出价
vt. 命令, 吩咐, 请求, 表示, 宣布, 投标
vi. 命令, 吩咐, 请求, 表示, 宣布, 投标
【经】 标价, 喊价, 出价; 投标
to bid fair to...
to bid in sth
to bid up
to make a bid for...
to bid farewell to sb


名词:bidder 动词过去式:bade,bid 过去分词:bidden,bid 现在分词:bidding 第三人称单数:bids 


order, bid, command
order: 普通用词,多指上级对下级,主人对仆人以及教师对学生等发出的命令,也指态度专横地命令他人。
bid: 与order同义,但较正式,文学意味强,多指口头直接下的命令。
command: 话意强,指正式下令,强调下令者的权威性,要求必须服从。


名词 bid:

  1. an authoritative direction or instruction to do something同义词:command, bidding, dictation
  2. an attempt to get something同义词:play
  3. a formal proposal to buy at a specified price同义词:tender
  4. (bridge) the number of tricks a bridge player is willing to contract to make同义词:bidding

动词 bid:

  1. propose a payment同义词:offer, tender
  2. invoke upon同义词:wish
  3. ask for or request earnestly同义词:beseech, entreat, adjure, press, conjure
  4. make a demand, as for a card or a suit or a show of hands同义词:call
  5. make a serious effort to attain something
  6. ask someone in a friendly way to do something同义词:invite


  1. Several firms have bid for the contract to build the new concert hall.有几家公司投标,争取建造新音乐厅的合同。
  2. Several companies are bidding for the contract to build the bridge.有几家公司在投标争取承包建桥工程。
  3. I bid two hearts.我叫两红心。
  4. Have they put in a bid for the contract?他们有没有投标争取承包合同?


v.(动词)bade[b2d, b3d] 或 bid bid.den[bd.n] 或 bid bid.ding,bids及物动词)To issue a command to; direct.See Synonyms at command 命令:给…发布命令;指示参见 commandTo utter (a greeting or salutation).致敬:表达(问候或致意)To invite to attend; summon.邀请:邀请参加;召唤past tense and past participle bid Games To state one`s intention to take (tricks of a certain number or suit in cards):【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 【游戏】 叫牌:陈述要(某一花色或赢墩数目)的意愿:例句:bid four hearts.叫四个红心
past tense and past participle bid To offer or propose (an amount) as a price.【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 出价:提出或建议一个数量作为价格past tense and past participle bid To offer (someone) membership, as in a group or club:【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 成为会员:接受为某一团体或俱乐部的成员:例句:.glancing around to be sure that he had been bid by a society that he wanted.(Louis Auchincloss).扫视四周以确认自己已被他需要的社会所接纳.(路易斯·奥金克洛斯)
v.intr.(不及物动词)past tense and past participle bid To make an offer to pay or accept a specified price:【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 投标:出价或接受某一特定的价格:例句:decided not to bid on the roll-top desk.决定不投标那张顶盖可卷缩的写字台
past tense and past participle bid To seek to win or attain something; strive.【过去时态与过去分词】 bid 力求:企图得到或赢得某物;力求n.(名词)
An offer or proposal of a price.出价:提出或建议一个价格The amount offered or proposed:投标价:提出或建议的出价数目:例句:They lost the contract because their bid was too high.他们因索价太高而失去了那张合同
An invitation, especially one offering membership in a group or club.邀请加入团体:邀请,尤指被一团体或俱乐部接受为成员Games 【游戏】 The act of bidding in cards.叫牌:桥牌中的叫牌The number of tricks or points declared.点数:所叫的墩数或点数The trump or no-trump declared.王牌叫定,非王牌叫定The turn of a player to bid.轮流叫牌:轮到某牌手叫牌An earnest effort to win or attain something:努力争取:要赢得或得到某东西的热切努力:例句:made a bid for the presidency.企图当选总统
<常用词组>bid in
To outbid on one`s own property at an auction in order to raise the final selling price.出高价:在拍卖中为自己的财产定出高价以抬高最终售价bid up
To increase the amount bid:哄抬:抬高出价数:例句:bid up the price of wheat.哄抬小麦价格
常用词组><习惯用语>bid defiance
To refuse to submit; offer resistance to.对抗:拒绝服从;抗拒…bid fair
To appear likely.似乎,可能习惯用语>来源:Middle English bidden [to ask, command] from Old English biddan * see g whedh- 中古英语 bidden [要求,命令] 源自 古英语 biddan *参见 g whedh- Middle English beden [to offer, proclaim] from Old English odan * see bheudh- 中古英语 beden [给,宣布] 源自 古英语 odan *参见 bheudh-