floating是什么意思 floating在线中文翻译



a. 漂浮的, 浮动的, 移动的
【医】 浮动的
【经】 流动, 发行(有价证券)


名词 floating:

  1. the act of someone who floats on the water同义词:natation

动词 float:

  1. be in motion due to some air or water current同义词:float, drift, be adrift, blow
  2. be afloat; stay on a liquid surface; not sink同义词:float, swim
  3. set afloat同义词:float
  4. circulate or discuss tentatively; test the waters with同义词:float
  5. move lightly, as if suspended同义词:float
  6. put into the water同义词:float
  7. make the surface of level or smooth同义词:float
  8. allow (currencies) to fluctuate同义词:float
  9. convert from a fixed point notation to a floating point notation同义词:float

形容词 floating:

  1. continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another同义词:aimless, drifting, vagabond, vagrant
  2. inclined to move or be moved about
  3. (of a part of the body) not firmly connected; movable or out of normal position
  4. not definitely committed to a party or policy
  5. borne up by or suspended in a liquid


  1. The raft was floating gently down the river.筏子顺河水缓缓漂流。
  2. There's a rumour floating around of a new job in the unit.这个部门盛传有个新工作要聘人。
  3. Have you seen my keys floating about (anywhere)?你在什麽地方见到我的钥匙了吗?
  4. We can see the dust particles floating in the sunlight clearly.我们可以很清楚地看到阳光下的灰尘颗粒。


adj.(形容词)Buoyed on or suspended in or as if in a fluid.漂浮的:是或好象是浮在或悬在液体中的Not secured in place; unattached.浮置的:没有固定在一处的;未结合在一起的Inclined to move or be moved about:流动的,不固定的:倾向于移动或动来动去的:例句:a floating meeting; floating crap games.流动性会议;流动性掷双骰子游戏
Economics 【经济学】 Available for use; in circulation. Used of capital.流动财产的:可供使用的;在流通领域的。用于指资本Short-term and usually unfunded. Used of a debt.浮动汇率的:短期的且通常为未设基金的。用于指债务Designed or constructed to operate smoothly and without vibration.自动定的:为运行平稳、无振动而设计或建造的Of or relating to an organ of the body that is movable or out of normal position:游离的:体内移动的、不在正常位置上的器官的或与之有关的:例句:a floating kidney.游走肾