bronze是什么意思 bronze在线中文翻译



n. 青铜, 铜像
a. 青铜色的
【化】 青铜
【医】 青铜


形容词:bronzy 名词:bronzer 动词过去式:bronzed 过去分词:bronzed 现在分词:bronzing 第三人称单数:bronzes 


名词 bronze:

  1. an alloy of copper and tin and sometimes other elements; also any copper-base alloy containing other elements in place of tin
  2. a sculpture made of bronze

动词 bronze:

  1. give the color and appearance of bronze to something
  2. get a tan, from wind or sun同义词:tan

形容词 bronze:

  1. of the color of bronze同义词:bronzy
  2. made from or consisting of bronze


  1. The sculpture was a bronze cast.这个雕塑是青铜铸成的
  2. The statue is made of bronze.这座雕像是青铜铸成。
  3. There will be a display of bronze statuary in this museum next week.下星期这个博物馆将举办一个青铜雕塑作品展览。
  4. There is a bronze ornament on the wall.墙上有一件青铜饰品。


n.(名词)Abbr. br.缩写 br.Any of various alloys of copper and tin in various proportions, sometimes with traces of other metals.青铜,铜锡合金:一种不同比例的铜锡合金,有时加入微量的其它金属Any of various alloys of copper, with or without tin, and antimony, phosphorus, or other components.铜合金:铜与锡、锑、磷或其物质构成的一种合金,含锡,也可不含锡A work of art made of one of these alloys.青铜制品:由上述的一种合金制成的艺术品
Color A moderate yellowish to olive brown.【色彩】 青铜色,古铜色:中度的浅黄到橄榄棕色A pigment of this color.这种颜色的颜料adj.(形容词)Made of or consisting of bronze.青铜制的或含青铜的Color Of a moderate yellowish to olive brown.【色彩】 青铜色的,古铜色的:中等黄到黄褐色的及物动词)bronzed,, To give the color or appearance of bronze to.使成青铜色或使变得象青铜
来源:French 法语 from Italian bronzo 源自 意大利语 bronzo