blatant是什么意思 blatant在线中文翻译



a. 喧嚣的, 吵闹的, 俗丽的, 炫耀的


副词:blatantly 名词:blatancy 


形容词 blatant:

  1. without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious同义词:blazing, conspicuous
  2. conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry同义词:clamant, clamorous, strident, vociferous


  1. Everyone is tired of their blatant effronteries.大家都厌恶他们粗俗。
  2. Our teacher is guilty of blatant favouritism.我们老师有明显的偏心错误。


adj.(形容词)Unpleasantly loud and noisy:吵闹的,喧哗的:令人不愉快地发出高声的或嘈杂的:例句:.There are those who find the trombones blatant and the triangle silly, but both add effective color.(Musical Heritage Review)See Synonyms at vociferous .有人觉得长号太吵,而三角铁挺傻,但这两样都增色不少.(音乐精品回顾)参见 vociferous
Usage Problem Totally or offensively conspicuous or obtrusive:【用法疑难】 显眼的,炫耀的:完全地或让人生厌地惹人注目的或炫耀的:例句:a blatant lie.明目张胆的谎言
来源:From Latin blatore [to blab] on the model of words such as rampant 源自 拉丁语 blatore [胡说] 仿照单词,如 rampant
adv.(副词)It is natural thatblatant and flagrant are often confused, since the words overlap in meaning.Both attribute conspicuousness and offensiveness to certain acts.Butblatant emphasizes the failure to conceal the act: 混淆单词blatantflagrant 是很自然的, 因为两词有重叠含义,都是指某种行为的引人注意和令人讨厌。但是blatant 强调没有隐藏这种行为: 例句:a blatant appeal to vanity;无耻的虚荣心的要求;
例句:a blatant attempt to whitewash his country`s misdeeds.Flagrant, 掩盖他所在国家的罪行的无耻企图。Flagrant
on the other hand, tends to emphasize a serious wrongdoing in the offense itself: 则趋于强调过错本身的严重不道德行为: 例句:flagrant child abuse;明目张胆地虐待孩子;
例句:a flagrant violation of human rights. 公然违反人权。
Certain contexts may admit either word depending on what is meant:a violation of international law might be eitherblatant or flagrant. But writers who refer tothe blatant torturing of animals or the flagrant liberal bias of the media have implied something other than what they presumably intended. In the first case, the writer is probably more troubled by the enormity of the mistreatment of animals than by the failure to conceal it,so thatflagrant would have been the better choice. In the second case, by contrast, the writer probably wants to draw attention to a moral failing in the media`s unapologetic refusal to hide its bias,rather than to the iniquity of the bias itself,an implication that would have been conveyed more successfully byblatant. Blatant should not be used to mean simply .obvious,.as inthe blatant danger of such an approach. 某些语境下两个词都可以用,但意思不同:对国际法律的违反既可能是blatant(公然的) 也可能是 flagrant(无耻的)。 但是提到the blatant torturing of animals(肆无忌惮地虐待动物) 或者 the flagrant liberal bias of the media(媒体公然的、不严谨的偏见) 的作者已经暗示了他们本来意图以外的意思。 在第一种情况下,作者可能对大量虐待动物的行为所困扰而不是为隐藏这种行为的失败而困扰,因此flagrant 应该是更好的选择。 相反地,在第二种情况下,作者可能是要着重指出新闻媒介对其偏见一概否认的这种道德上弱点,而不是针对偏见本身的不公正性,这种含义若由blatant来表达的话会更加正确。 Blatant 不应仅仅表示.明显的.,就象在the blatant danger of such an approach(这种方法明显的危险性)中。