cube是什么意思 cube在线中文翻译



n. 立方体, 立方
【机】 立方体, 立方


名词:cuber 动词过去式:cubed 过去分词:cubed 现在分词:cubing 第三人称单数:cubes 


名词 cube:

  1. a three-dimensional shape with six square or rectangular sides同义词:block
  2. a hexahedron with six equal squares as faces同义词:regular hexahedron
  3. the product of three equal terms同义词:third power
  4. any of several tropical American woody plants of the genus Lonchocarpus whose roots are used locally as a fish poison and commercially as a source of rotenone
  5. a block in the (approximate) shape of a cube同义词:square block

动词 cube:

  1. raise to the third power
  2. cut into cubes同义词:dice


  1. A square has four corners; a cube has eight.正方形有四个角儿; 立方体有八个角儿。
  2. A cube is a solid.正方体是立体图形。
  3. A cube has six surfaces.立方体有六个面。
  4. A cube is a three-dimensional object.立方体是三维物体。
  5. A cube is a regular solid.立方体是正多面体。
  6. Three cubed is twenty-seven.三的立方是二十七。
  7. Please pass me a cube of sugar.请递给我一块方糖。
  8. Four cubed is sixty-four.四的立方是六十四。


n.(名词)Mathematics A regular solid having six congruent square faces.【数学】 立方体:一种通常有六个相等的正方形侧面的正立体
Something having the general shape of a cube:立方形:具有立方体外形的东西:例句:a cube of sugar.一块方糖
A cubicle, used for work or study.小房间:小室,用于工作或学习Mathematics The third power of a number or quantity.【数学】 立方:某一数或量的三次幂cubes Slang Cubic inches. Used especially of an internal combustion engine. cubes 【俚语】 立方英寸:立方英寸。尤指用于内燃机及物动词)cubed,,cubes Mathematics To raise (a quantity or number) to the third power.【数学】 求立方:求(某一量或数的)立方To determine the cubic contents of.测定…的体积To form or cut into cubes; dice.使…形成立方体;将…切成方块To tenderize (meat) by breaking the fibers with superficial cuts in a pattern of squares.切花刀:将(肉)表面切成正方形以割断纤维使之变嫩
来源:Latin cubus 拉丁语 cubus from Greek kubos 源自 希腊语 kubos