boundary是什么意思 boundary在线中文翻译



n. 边界, 分界线
【计】 边界




border, bounds, boundary, frontier, limit
border: 多指国与国之间或两地区的分界处,即分界线附近的边缘部分。
bounds: 常与boundary换用,指土地边界,但意思不如boundary明确,主要用于抽象事物和文学作品中。
boundary: 侧重地图上正式标定的、双方遵守的边界,也可指较小行政单位间的界线。
frontier: 指两国接壤的前沿地区,属于各国的国境和边疆,多指设防的边界。
limit: 含义广泛,常用作复数。指任何界限、范围、分界线外面的部分,可指有形或无形的东西。


名词 boundary:

  1. the line or plane indicating the limit or extent of something同义词:bound, bounds
  2. a line determining the limits of an area同义词:edge, bound
  3. the greatest possible degree of something同义词:limit, bound


  1. The lane is the boundary of our land.那条小路就是我们这片地的界线。
  2. The ball ran (ie rolled) to the boundary.球向著边线滚去。
  3. They marked the boundaries of the football fields.他们画出了足球场地的边界。


n.(名词)【复数】 bound.a.ries Something that indicates a border or limit.边界线:标识边界或范围的某物The border or limit so indicated.边界:这样标识出来的边界或范围
<参考词汇><同义词>boundary,border,frontier,limit同义词>These nouns all denote a line or an area separating one piece of territory from another. A所有这些名词都指分隔一地域与另一地域的线或地区。 boundary is a limiting line: boundary 是限制线: 例句:A stone wall marked the boundary between the two farms. A 石墙是两个农场的分界线。
border is a line that separates political entities: Border 是将政治实体分离的界限: 例句:Customs officers inspected our luggage when we crossed the border.当我们过境时海关官员检查了我们的行李。
Frontier denotes the part of a country that faces toward or fronts an adjoining country: Frontier 意指一国中朝向或面对邻国的部分: 例句:.that long [Canadian] frontier from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, guarded only by neighborly respect and honorable obligations. (Winston S. Churchill). .那条 自大西洋至太平洋的长边界线, 仅出于邻国的尊敬和高尚义务守护着. (温斯顿·S·丘吉尔)。
Limit denotes a boundary that surrounds an area: Limit 意指包围一地区的界线: 例句:Cars cannot exceed 35 miles per hour within city limits. 在市区线以内车速不能超过每小时35英里