devotion是什么意思 devotion在线中文翻译



n. 热爱, 投入


名词 devotion:

  1. feelings of ardent love同义词:devotedness
  2. commitment to some purpose
  3. religious zeal; the willingness to serve God同义词:idolatry, veneration, cultism
  4. (usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently)


  1. His apish devotion irritated her.他那惺惺作态的愚忠使她恼火。
  2. A career needs our devotion all our lives.一项事业需要我们毕生的奉献。
  3. Their slavish devotion to the leader is unhealthy.他们对领导的盲目崇拜是不健康的。
  4. We were deeply moved by their devotion.我们为他们的献身精神所感动。
  5. His devotion led him to the priesthood.他的信仰使他成为祭司。
  6. His devotion to music is plain to see.他对音乐的挚爱是显而易见的。
  7. He works with greater devotion.他工作得更专心了。


n.(名词)Ardent, often selfless affection and dedication, as to a person.See Synonyms at love 热爱:热烈的通常是忘我的爱慕和依恋,如爱慕某人参见 loveReligious ardor or zeal; piety.虔诚:宗教热情;虔诚Often devotions 常作 devotions An act of religious observance or prayer, especially when private.祈祷:宗教仪式的活动或祷告的行为,尤指秘密的进行的devotions Prayers or religious texts: devotions 祈祷文或宗教课本:例句:a book of devotions.祈祷书
The act of devoting or the state of being devoted.献身:贡献行为或贡献的状况