born是什么意思 born在线中文翻译



a. 天生的
be born of...


名词 born:

  1. British nuclear physicist (born in Germany) honored for his contributions to quantum mechanics (1882-1970)同义词:Max Born

动词 bear:

  1. have同义词:bear
  2. cause to be born同义词:give birth, deliver, bear, birth, have
  3. put up with something or somebody unpleasant同义词:digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put up
  4. move while holding up or supporting同义词:bear
  5. bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"同义词:bear, turn out
  6. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person同义词:bear, take over, accept, assume
  7. contain or hold; have within同义词:hold, bear, carry, contain
  8. bring in同义词:yield, pay, bear
  9. have on one's person同义词:wear, bear
  10. behave in a certain manner同义词:behave, acquit, bear, deport, conduct, comport, carry
  11. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices同义词:bear, hold
  12. support or hold in a certain manner同义词:hold, carry, bear
  13. be pregnant with同义词:have a bun in the oven, bear, carry, gestate, expect

形容词 born:

  1. brought into existence
  2. being talented through inherited qualities同义词:natural, innate


  1. Her socialist beliefs were born of a hatred of injustice.她的社会主义信念来自她对社会上不公平现象的痛恨。
  2. I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days!我一生中从未听到过这种胡言乱语。
  3. The baby was born on 8 o'clock.婴儿在8点钟出生。


v.(动词)A past participle of bear bear的过去分词adj.(形容词)
Abbr. b.Brought into life by birth.缩写 b.出生Brought into existence; created:产生;创立:例句:A new nation was born with the revolution.在革命中一个新的国家诞生了
Having from birth a particular quality or talent:天生的,天赋的:生来就有的特殊才能或天赋:例句:a born artist.一个天生的艺术家
Destined, or seemingly destined, from birth:天生注定的:天生注定的或似由天生注定的:例句:a person born to lead.一个注定要成为领袖的人
Resulting or arising:导致的,引起的:例句:wisdom born of experience.经验所得的智慧
Native to a particular country, region, or place. Often used in combination:…地方出生的:在某一特定国家、地区或地方出生的。常用于复合词:例句:Irish-born; Southern born and bred; Boston-born.爱尔兰裔的;南方生养大的;波士顿裔的