diagnosis是什么意思 diagnosis在线中文翻译



n. 诊断
【计】 诊断
【医】 诊断
【经】 调查分析("诊断")




名词 diagnosis:

  1. identifying the nature or cause of some phenomenon同义词:diagnosing


  1. The engineer made a complete diagnosis of the bridge's collapse.工程师对桥的倒塌做一次彻底的调查分析。
  2. A positive diagnosis can be made only after ruling out gastric and duodenal ulcer.只有排除了胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的可能性之后,才能作出明确诊断。
  3. We waited in great suspense for the doctor's diagnosis.我们焦急万分地等候医生做出诊断。
  4. The two doctors made different diagnosis of my disease.两位医生对我的病作出了不同的诊断。


n.(名词)【复数】 di.ag.no.ses[-sôz] Medicine 【医学】 The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data.诊断:通过评价病人的病史、体检情况和阅读试验数据的方式对人体机能进行检验或对人体引起病痛的原因进行鉴别的行为或过程The opinion derived from such an evaluation.诊断结果:由这种评价取得的结论
A critical analysis of the nature of something.判断:对于某些事物本质关键性的分析The conclusion reached by such analysis.结论:由此类分析获取的结论Biology A brief description of the distinguishing characteristics of an organism, as for taxonomic classification.【生物学】 特征简述:有机体的辨别特征的简述,如分类学上的特征简述
来源:Greek diagnôsis [discernment] 希腊语 diagnôsis [辨别] from diagignôskein [to distinguish] 源自 diagignôskein [区分] dia- [apart] * see dia- dia- [区分] *参见 dia-gignôskein gnô- [to come to know, discern] * see gnô- gignôskein gnô- [了解到,看出] *参见 gnô-