hulk是什么意思 hulk在线中文翻译



n. 船体, 笨重的船, 废然大物


动词过去式:hulked 过去分词:hulked 现在分词:hulking 第三人称单数:hulks 


名词 hulk:

  1. a very large person; impressive in size or qualities同义词:giant, heavyweight, whale
  2. a ship that has been wrecked and abandoned

动词 hulk:

  1. appear very large or occupy a commanding position同义词:loom, tower, predominate


  1. The truck hulked up suddenly over the crest of the hill.卡车在小山顶上突然像个庞然大物似地出现了。
  2. I saw a rotting hulk on the beach.我在海滩上看见了一艘腐烂的废船。


n.(名词)Nautical 【航海】 A heavy, unwieldy ship.笨重,难以操纵的船The hull of an old, unseaworthy, or wrecked ship.废船舶体:旧的,无法航行或失事了的船的外壳Often hulks An old or unseaworthy ship used as a prison or warehouse. 常作 hulks 囚船,废船:用作监狱或仓库的旧船或无法航行的船One, such as a person or an object, that is bulky, clumsy, or unwieldy.大个子,庞然大物:庞大、笨拙或不灵便的(人或物体)v.intr.(不及物动词)hulked,,hulks To appear as a massive or towering form; loom:赫然显现:以庞大或高耸的形象出现;耸然而现:例句:The big truck hulked out of the fog.大卡车从浓雾中耸然而出现
To move clumsily.笨拙地挪动
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English hulc 源自 古英语 hulc from Medieval Latin hulcus 源自 中世纪拉丁语 hulcus probably from Greek holkas [merchant ship, ship that is towed] 可能源自 希腊语 holkas [商船,被拖着的船] from helkein [to pull] 源自 helkein [拉]