bus是什么意思 bus在线中文翻译



n. 公共汽车
【计】 总线; 汇流条; 母线


名词复数:buses 动词过去式:bused,bussed 过去分词:bused,bussed 现在分词:busing,bussing 第三人称单数:buses,busses 


car, bus, truck, lorry, coach, automobile, jeep, carriage, wagon
car: 多指乘坐人的小汽车或轿车。
bus: 一般指公共汽车或大型客车。
truck: 与lorry同义,指卡车或货车,为美国用词。
lorry: 与truck同义,指卡车或货车,用于英国。
coach: 原义指四轮马车,现指轿式汽车,长途公共汽车,还可指火车设有卧铺的车厢。
automobile: 是汽车的总称。
jeep: 吉普车,指一种小型轻便、适合在崎岖路面或野外使用的车子。
carriage: 指马车,两匹或两匹以上马拉的四轮马车。
wagon: 指四轮运货马车或牛车,也指铁路的无盖货车。


名词 bus:

  1. a vehicle carrying many passengers; used for public transport同义词:autobus, coach, charabanc, double-decker, jitney, motorbus, motorcoach, omnibus, passenger vehicle
  2. the topology of a network whose components are connected by a busbar同义词:bus topology
  3. an electrical conductor that makes a common connection between several circuits同义词:busbar
  4. a car that is old and unreliable同义词:jalopy, heap

动词 bus:

  1. send or move around by bus
  2. ride in a bus
  3. remove used dishes from the table in restaurants


  1. The busman stopped the bus.公共汽车司机停下了车。
  2. When the bus came to a stop, some passengers got on.当公车一到站时,一些乘客上了车。
  3. I scanned the newspaper when I was waiting for the bus.等公共汽车的时候,我匆匆浏览了一下报纸。
  4. The bus driver asked the passengers to buy tickets.公共汽车司机要求乘客买票。
  5. Here is ten pounds; the extra will cover your bus fares.这儿是10镑钱,多余可用作公共汽车。
  6. I got up late this morning and missed the bus.今天早晨我起床晚了,错过了公共汽车。


n.(名词)【复数】 bus.es 或 bus.ses A long motor vehicle for carrying passengers, usually along a fixed route.公共汽车:一种载客的长型机动车辆,通常沿指定路线行驶Informal A large or ungainly automobile.【非正式用语】 大汽车:巨大的或笨拙的汽车A four-wheeled cart for carrying dishes in a restaurant.送餐马车:饭馆中为送菜肴而备的四轮马车Electricity A bus bar.【电学】 汇流条,母线Computer Science A parallel circuit that connects the major components of a computer, allowing the transfer of electric impulses from one connected component to any other.【计算机科学】 数据传送总线,总线,母线:联结计算机主要部件的一组平行导线,使得电脉冲得以在相联部件之间传输n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另一个名词:例句:a bus station; a bus tour.公共汽车站;乘公共汽车游览
v.(动词)bused 或 bussed bus.ing 或 bus.sing bus.es 或 bus.ses v.tr.(及物动词)To transport in a bus.用公共汽车运输To transport (schoolchildren) by bus to schools outside their neighborhoods, especially as a means of achieving racial integration.用校车接送学生:用校车将(学生)运到远离住所的地方上学,尤指作为达到种族融合目的的一种方式To carry or clear (dishes) in a restaurant.当服务员:在饭馆里端(盘子)或洗(盘子)v.intr.(不及物动词)To travel in a bus.乘公共汽车旅行To work as a busboy.打杂工
来源:Short for omnibus omnibus的简写V., intr., sense 2, back-formation from busboy 不及物动词释义2,源自 busboy的逆成词