ab是什么意思 ab在线中文翻译



prep. 从, 自
【计】 地址总线
【医】 从
ab extra
ab initio
ab intra
ab origine
ab ovo
ab uno disce omnes


名词 ab:

  1. a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences同义词:Bachelor of Arts, BA, Artium Baccalaurens
  2. the eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar (in July and August)同义词:Av
  3. the muscles of the abdomen同义词:abdominal, abdominal muscle
  4. the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens同义词:type AB, group AB


  1. The lines AB and CD intersect at E.直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
  2. The line AB intersects the line CD at E.直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
  3. AB and CD intersect at (the point) P.AB线和CD线在P点相交。


ab 2
n.Slang (名词)【俚语】 An abdominal muscle. Often used in the plural.腹肌肉。常用作复数