bucket是什么意思 bucket在线中文翻译



n. 桶
【计】 存储桶; 桶
【化】 铲斗; 挖斗; 桶; 吊桶
give sb the bucket
kick the bucket


动词过去式:bucketed 过去分词:bucketed 现在分词:bucketing 第三人称单数:buckets 


名词 bucket:

  1. a roughly cylindrical vessel that is open at the top同义词:pail
  2. the quantity contained in a bucket同义词:bucketful

动词 bucket:

  1. put into a bucket
  2. carry in a bucket


  1. Go and fill this bucket with water for me.去替我装满一桶水来。
  2. I knocked over the bucket and the water poured (out) all over the floor.我打翻了水桶,水流了一地。
  3. Water splashed into the bucket from the tap.水从龙头里喷溅著注入水桶中。
  4. He knocked the bucket over and all the water spilt out.他撞翻了水桶,水全流出去了。
  5. How many buckets of water will we need to fill this small pond?装满这个小池塘需要多少桶水?


A cylindrical vessel used for holding or carrying liquids or solids; a pail.桶:用来装、盛液体或固体的器皿;桶The amount that a bucket can hold:一桶所装容量:例句:One bucket of paint will be enough for the ceiling.刷天花板一桶油漆足够用了
A unit of dry measure in the U.S. Customary System equal to 2 pecks (7.' liters).See table at measurement 称料斗:美国干量单位,相当于2配克(7.'升)参见 measurementA receptacle on various machines, such as the scoop of a power shovel or the compartments on a water wheel, used to gather and convey material.斗:各种机器上的容器,如铲土机的铲斗,水车的戽斗,用来收集、传送物料Basketball A basket.【篮球】 球篮v.(动词)buck.et.ed,buck.et.ing,buck.ets v.tr.(及物动词)To hold, carry, or put in a bucket:装在桶里,用桶提或放在桶里:例句:bucket up water from a well.用桶从井里打水
To ride (a horse) long and hard.骑马飞奔:催(马)拼命向前跑v.intr.(不及物动词)To move or proceed rapidly and jerkily:急速运动,颠簸着行进:例句:bucketing over the unpaved lane.在没有铺路的小巷子里颠簸行进
To make haste; hustle.急急忙忙;赶快
<习惯用语>a drop in the bucket
An insufficient or inconsequential amount in comparison with what is required.沧海一粟:与所需数量相比不足或不合理的习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French buket 源自 古法语 buket [of Germanic origin] [日耳曼语源]