hostage是什么意思 hostage在线中文翻译



n. 人质, 抵押品
【经】 人质, 抵押品


名词 hostage:

  1. a prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms同义词:surety


  1. The terrorists are holding three men hostage.恐怖分子把三个人扣为人质。
  2. The hostage had a rifle levelled at his head.一枝步枪瞄准著人质的头。
  3. He kept the pilot as a hostage.他把驾驶员当做人质。
  4. The company took the cars as hostage.公司把汽车当做抵押品。


n.(名词)A person held by one party in a conflict as security that specified terms will be met by the opposing party.人质:被冲突一方扣押的人,以作为对方满足其提出的条件的保证One that serves as security against an implied threat:制约物:对抗暗藏的威胁事物:例句:superpowers held hostage to each other by their nuclear arsenals.超级大国因各自拥有核工厂而互相制约
One that is manipulated by the demands of another:被控物:被另一事物的要求所操纵的事物:例句:.National policies cannot be made hostage to another country.(Alan D. Romberg).一个国家的政策不能被另一个国家所操纵.(艾伦D.龙伯格)
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 probably from host [guest, host] * see host 可能源自 host [客人,主人] *参见 host