at是什么意思 at在线中文翻译



prep. 在, 向, 对
【计】 地址转换器, 异常传输, 自动订票
【医】 砹(85号元素)
at war
at regular intervals
at peace
to keep on at sb
at midnight
at the moment
be at an utter loss what to do
at work
at school
at rest




at, in, on
at: 表地点时,指空间位置上的某一点;表时间时,指在时间上的某一时刻。
in: 表地点时,指在某一立体空间范围内;表时间时,指一段时间或与年、月、季节时间连用。
on: 表地点时,指某物与另一物表面相接触,或与某地方接壤等;表时间时,指在某一天或某一天的某个时间,尤指在星期几。


名词 at:

  1. a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series); a decay product of uranium and thorium同义词:astatine, atomic number 85
  2. 100 at equal 1 kip in Laos


  1. I'm good at it.我做这个很在行。
  2. I watch TV till ten at night.我晚上看电视看到10点。
  3. There is very little profit in selling newspapers at present.现在卖报纸利润很少。
  4. I have engaged a room at this hotel.我已经在这个旅馆里预订了一个房间。
  5. At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgement.20岁我们按意愿做事; 30岁我们凭智慧做事; 40岁我们靠判断做事。
  6. The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour.飞机以每小时900公里的速度飞行。
  7. Please don't laugh at him.请不要嘲笑他。
  8. I met him at the bus stop.我在公共汽车站遇到他的。


In or near the area occupied by; in or near the location of:在…里,在…附近:在某一被占据地区里或附近;在某一场所里或附近:例句:at the market; at our destination.在市场;在我们的目的地
In or near the position of:出现在…一面:在或接近某一位置:例句:always at my side; at the center of the page.总是站在我一边;在页码中央
To or toward the direction or location of, especially for a specific purpose:向,朝向:到或朝某一方向或位置,尤指朝一特定目的:例句:Questions came at us from all sides.从四面八方向我们涌来的问题
Present during; attending:出席:在…出现;出席:例句:at the dance.出席舞会
Within the interval or span of:在…期间:在某一时间间隔或时间跨度内:例句:at the dinner hour; at a glance.吃饭时间;转瞬间
In the state or condition of:在某一状态或状况下:例句:at peace with one`s conscience.心安理得
In the activity or field of:在某一活动或某一领域内:例句:skilled at playing chess; good at math.精于棋艺;擅长数学
To or using the rate, extent, or amount of; to the point of:在某一点:到达或运用比率、限度、或数量;在某一点:例句:at 30 cents a pound; at high speed; at 20 paces; at 350=F.每英镑三十分;以高速;在二十步处;在华氏三百五十度时
On, near, or by the time or age of:到达,接近:到达,接近某一时刻或年龄,或到某一时刻或年龄为止:例句:at three o`clock; at 72 years of age.到三点;到七十二岁时
On account of; because of:根据;因为:例句:rejoice at a victory.因胜利而欢欣鼓舞
By way of; through:以…方式;通过:例句:exited at the rear gate.从后门溜走
In accord with; following:根据;遵循:例句:at my request.根据我的请求
Dependent upon:凭借:例句:at the mercy of the court.在法庭的宽容下
Occupied with:正在:例句:at work.正在工作
<习惯用语>at it【非正式用语】
Engaged in verbal or physical conflict; arguing or fighting:争论,冲突:口头或身体上的冲突;争论或冲突:例句:The neighbors are at it again.邻居们又吵起来了
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English ôt * see ad- 源自 古英语 ôt *参见 ad-

at 2
n.(名词)【复数】 at A unit of currency in Laos.See table at currency 阿特:老挝货币单位参见 currency
来源:Thai 泰国语