envied是什么意思 envied在线中文翻译



a. 被妒忌的, 被羡慕的


动词 envy:

  1. feel envious towards; admire enviously同义词:envy
  2. be envious of; set one's heart on同义词:envy, begrudge


  1. He asked my name and I gave it to him. Then I left him standing by the counter so happy that I almost envied him.他询问我的姓名,我就告诉了他。然后我就离开了,他站在柜台旁,是那么高兴,我真有点羡慕他。
  2. I envied him his talent. I know I could never paint a picture like that never in a thousand years.我羡慕他的天才。我知道,那样的画我根本画不出来,哪怕画到来生来世也办不到。
  3. I have always envied your good luck.我一直羡慕你运气好。