grapefruit是什么意思 grapefruit在线中文翻译



n. 葡萄轴


名词 grapefruit:

  1. citrus tree bearing large round edible fruit having a thick yellow rind and juicy somewhat acid pulp同义词:Citrus paradisi
  2. large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp; usual serving consists of a half


  1. Any of a group of water-soluble colloidal carbohydrates of high molecular weight found in ripe fruits, such as apples, plums, and grapefruit, and used to jell various foods, drugs, and cosmetics.果胶任一种用于凝结各种食物、药品和化装品的高分子量且溶于水的胶质碳水化合物,存在于如苹果、杏和葡萄等成熟的水果中
  2. He split the grapefruit in two.他把柚子分成两半。


n.(名词)A tropical or semitropical evergreen(Citrus paradisi) cultivated for its edible fruit. 葡萄柚:一种热带或亚热带常绿(柑桔属 葡萄柚) ,因其果实可食而被栽培 The large, round fruit of this tree, having a yellow rind and juicy, somewhat acid pulp.葡萄柚果:这种树的大的圆形果实,生黄皮和多汁的,略酸的浆肉
来源:[Probably so called because the fruit grows in clusters] [可能因其果实簇生而得名]