cat是什么意思 cat在线中文翻译



n. 猫, 恶妇
vi. 呕吐
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let cat out of the bag
see which way the cat jumps
wait for the cat to jump
bell the cat
grin like a Cheshire cat


动词过去式:catted 过去分词:catted 现在分词:catting 第三人称单数:cats 


名词 cat:

  1. feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats; wildcats同义词:true cat
  2. an informal term for a youth or man同义词:guy, hombre, bozo
  3. a spiteful woman gossip
  4. the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant同义词:kat, khat, qat, quat, Arabian tea, African tea
  5. a whip with nine knotted cords同义词:cat-o'-nine-tails
  6. a large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts; frequently used for moving earth in construction and farm work同义词:Caterpillar
  7. any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild同义词:big cat
  8. a method of examining body organs by scanning them with X rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis同义词:computerized tomography, computed tomography, CT, computerized axial tomography, computed axial tomography

动词 cat:

  1. beat with a cat-o'-nine-tails
  2. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth同义词:vomit, vomit up, purge, cast, sick, be sick, disgorge, regorge, retch, puke, barf, spew, spue, chuck, upchuck, honk, regurgitate, throw up


  1. The cat lapped up the milk.猫舔食牛奶。
  2. The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。
  3. There's no room/There isn't (enough) room to swing a cat in here.这里地方过於狭窄。
  4. The little cat gave me a playful bite.小猫顽皮地轻轻咬了我一下。
  5. I have a dog and a cat, but they fight all the time.我养了一只猫和一只狗,但它们老是打架。
  6. She is a timid cat.她是个腼腆的女人。
  7. A cat mews.猫喵喵叫。


A small carnivorous mammal(Felis catus or F. domesticus) domesticated since early times as a catcher of rats and mice and as a pet and existing in several distinctive breeds and varieties. 猫:一种(猫属 公猫猫属 家猫) 小型食肉哺乳动物,用于捕捉田鼠和家鼠,很早就开始驯养,作为宠物以几类不同的品种和类别存在 Any of various other carnivorous mammals of the family Felidae, which includes the lion, tiger, leopard, and lynx.猫科动物:其它种类不同的猫科动物,包括狮、虎、豹和山猫The fur of a domestic cat.猫皮:家猫的毛皮A woman who is regarded as spiteful.恶毒的女人:被认为脾气不好的女人A cat-o`-nine-tails.九尾鞭A catfish.鲶鱼Nautical 【航海】 A cathead.锚架A device for raising an anchor to the cathead.提锚滑车:将锚提升至锚架的装置A catboat.独桅船A catamaran.双身船Slang 【俚语】 A person, especially a man.男人:人,尤指男人A player or devotee of jazz music.爵士乐演奏者或乐迷v.(动词)cat.ted,cat.ting,cats (及物动词)【航海】 To hoist an anchor to (the cathead).起锚:将锚提升至(锚架)v.intr.Slang (不及物动词)【俚语】 To look for sexual partners; have an affair or affairs:寻找性伴侣;发生性关系:例句:.catting around with every lady in sight.(Gore Vidal).跟见到的每个女人勾搭.(戈尔·维达尔)
<习惯用语>let the cat out of the bag
To let a secret be known.使秘密泄露习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English catt 源自 古英语 catt from Germanic *kattuz 源自 日耳曼语 *kattuz