bob是什么意思 bob在线中文翻译



vt. 剪短, 敲击
vi. 振动, 上下跳动
n. 短发, 悬挂的饰品, 浮子, 摆动, 轻敲, 5便士
【机】 暗冒口


名词:bobber 动词过去式:bobbed 过去分词:bobbed 现在分词:bobbing 第三人称单数:bobs 名词复数:bob 


名词 bob:

  1. a former monetary unit in Great Britain同义词:British shilling, shilling
  2. a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around
  3. a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism同义词:bobsled, bobsleigh
  4. a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string
  5. a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line同义词:bobber, cork, bobfloat
  6. a short or shortened tail of certain animals同义词:bobtail, dock
  7. a short abrupt inclination (as of the head)

动词 bob:

  1. move up and down repeatedly
  2. ride a bobsled同义词:bobsled
  3. remove or shorten the tail of an animal同义词:dock, tail
  4. make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect同义词:curtsy
  5. cut hair in the style of a bob


  1. Bill runs quickly, Jack runs more quickly than Bill, and Bob runs most quickly of all.比尔跑得快,杰克跑得比比尔快,鲍伯在三者中跑得最快。
  2. When Bob gets mad, you can't hold him down.当鲍勃生气的时候,你都抑制不住他。
  3. Bob lit up one of his best Havana.鲍勃点燃了一只他最好的哈瓦那烟。
  4. Bob began to go into the details of the question.鲍勃开始深入调查这问题的细节。
  5. Love to Bob, by the way.请便代向鲍勃问好。


v.(动词)bobbed,,bobs及物动词)To hit lightly and quickly; tap.轻拍:轻快地拍;轻叩To cause to move up and down:使…上下摆动:例句:bobbed my head in response to the question.我点头以回答问题
v.intr.(不及物动词)To move up and down:上下移动:例句:a cork bobbing on the water.软木浮标在水中上下漂动
To grab at floating or hanging objects with the teeth:咬住悬挂或漂浮的目标物:例句:bobbed for apples.咬住悬挂的苹果
To curtsy or bow.行屈膝礼,鞠躬n.(名词)A tap or light blow.轻拍,轻敲A quick, jerky movement of the head or body.摆动:头或身体的快速、忽动忽停的运动
<常用词组>bob up
To appear or arise unexpectedly or suddenly.突然出现:出其不意地突然出现或显现常用词组>来源:Middle English bobben 中古英语 bobben

bob 2
n.(名词)A small, knoblike pendent object, such as a plumb bob.悬垂物:小的球状悬挂物,如铅锤A fishing float or cork.鱼漂,浮标:钓鱼用的浮子或软木A small lock or curl of hair.一束、一卷头发A woman`s or child`s short haircut.短发:女子或孩童的短发Informal Surgical shortening or reshaping of the nose.【非正式用语】 鼻部整形术:外科手术中鼻子的整形或截短The docked tail of a horse.剪短的马尾巴
A bobsled.大雪橇,连橇A bob skate.双刀溜冰鞋v.(动词)bobbed,,bobs v.intr.(不及物动词)To fish with a bob.用鱼饵钓鱼及物动词)To cut short or reshape:截短或整形:例句:bobbed her hair; had his nose bobbed.剪短她的头发;将他的鼻子整形
来源:Middle English bobbe [cluster of fruit] 中古英语 bobbe [果串]
bob 3
n.(名词)【复数】 bob 【多用于英国】 A shilling.一先令
来源:[Origin unknown] [词源不明]