had是什么意思 had在线中文翻译



had rather...than
be had


动词 have:

  1. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense同义词:have, have got, hold
  2. have as a feature同义词:have, feature
  3. go through (mental or physical states or experiences)同义词:experience, receive, have, get, undergo
  4. have ownership or possession of同义词:own, have, possess
  5. cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition同义词:get, let, have
  6. serve oneself to, or consume regularly同义词:consume, ingest, take in, take, have
  7. have a personal or business relationship with someone同义词:have
  8. organize or be responsible for同义词:hold, throw, have, make, give
  9. have left同义词:have
  10. be confronted with同义词:have
  11. undergo同义词:have, experience
  12. suffer from; be ill with同义词:have
  13. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner同义词:induce, stimulate, cause, have, get, make
  14. receive willingly something given or offered同义词:accept, take, have
  15. get something; come into possession of同义词:receive, have
  16. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)同义词:suffer, sustain, have, get
  17. achieve a point or goal同义词:have, get, make
  18. cause to be born同义词:give birth, deliver, bear, birth, have
  19. have sex with; archaic use同义词:take, have


  1. Have you had your lunch?吃过午饭了吗?
  2. She had her portrait painted.她让人给自己画了像。
  3. What he had done put him in better odour.他的所作所为使他的名声得到改善。
  4. I failed to note that he had left.我没有注意到他已经走了。
  5. I've had enough.我已经吃饱了。
  6. I had no sooner stood up than he waved me to remain sitting.我刚站起身,他就挥手让我坐着。
  7. The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.警察不得不使用武力驱散人群。
  8. If only I had another chance.要是我再有一次机会就好了。


v.(动词)Past tense and past participle of have have的过去式和过去分词