foil是什么意思 foil在线中文翻译



n. 箔, 烘托, 衬托
vt. 贴箔于, 衬托, 阻止, 挡开, 挫败
【医】 箔, 叶


动词过去式:foiled 过去分词:foiled 现在分词:foiling 第三人称单数:foils 


名词 foil:

  1. a piece of thin and flexible sheet metal
  2. anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities同义词:enhancer
  3. a device consisting of a flat or curved piece (as a metal plate) so that its surface reacts to the water it is passing through同义词:hydrofoil
  4. picture consisting of a positive photograph or drawing on a transparent base; viewed with a projector同义词:transparency
  5. a light slender flexible sword tipped by a button

动词 foil:

  1. enhance by contrast
  2. hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of同义词:thwart, queer, spoil, scotch, cross, frustrate, baffle, bilk
  3. cover or back with foil


  1. Our foil packets seal the flavour in.我们用锡纸包装以保持原味。
  2. Wrapping aluminium foil round a joint allows the meat to cook in its own juice/juices.用铝箔把肉包住使之在原汁中烹制。
  3. Aluminum foil can be used for wrapping food.铝箔用于包装食物。
  4. This box of chocolate was wrapped round with foil.这盒巧克力用箔纸包着。


foil及物动词)foiled,,foils To prevent from being successful; thwart.See Synonyms at frustrate 使失败:妨碍成功;阻挠参见 frustrateTo obscure or confuse (a trail or scent) so as to evade pursuers.搅乱痕迹:使(痕迹或气味)模糊难辨以躲避追击者n.Archaic (名词)【古语】 A repulse; a setback.阻力;挫折The trail or scent of an animal.动物留下的痕迹或气味
来源:Middle English foilen [to trample, defile] 中古英语 foilen [践踏,弄脏] variant of filen [to defile] * see file 3 filen的变体 [玷污] *参见 file3

foil 2
n.(名词)A thin, flexible leaf or sheet of metal:箔:一页或一张薄而软的金属:例句:aluminum foil.铝箔
A thin layer of polished metal placed under a displayed gem to lend it brilliance.衬箔:在展出的宝石下放置的用以衬出其光泽的薄层剖光金属One that by contrast underscores or enhances the distinctive characteristics of another:陪衬物:在对比中增加或减少其它物体特色的陪衬物:例句:.I am resolved my husband shall not be a rival, but a foil to me.(Charlotte Brontô).我决定不把我丈夫当成敌手而把他当成我的陪衬.(夏洛特·勃朗特)
The reflective metal coating on the back of a glass mirror.银箔:镜子背面的反射金属覆盖面Architecture A curvilinear, often lobelike figure or space formed between the cusps of intersecting arcs, found especially in Gothic tracery and Moorish ornament.【建筑学】 叶形饰:在尖顶的交叉拱门之间的一块曲线的、常为裂片状的空间,在哥特式的窗花格交织线条和马蹄型拱的装饰上尤为多见
An airfoil.飞翼Nautical A hydrofoil.【航海】 水翼艇及物动词)foiled,,foils To cover or back with foil.以箔覆盖或衬托To set off by contrast.通过对比衬托
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French foille 源自 古法语 foille from Latin folia [pl. of] folium [leaf] * see bhel- 3源自 拉丁语 folia [] folium的复数 [叶] *参见 bhel- 3

foil 3
n.(名词)A fencing sword having a usually circular guard and a thin, flexible four-sided blade with a button on the tip to prevent injury.钝头剑,无锋剑:带有一环状保护装置和在顶端带有圆头以防止剑伤的四边剑锋的防御剑Often foils The art or sport of fencing with such a sword: 常作 foils 花剑剑术:用圆头剑防御的技巧或运动:例句:a contest at foils.花剑比赛
来源:[Origin unknown] [词源不明]