gross是什么意思 gross在线中文翻译



n. 总数, 总量
a. 总共的, 未打折扣的, 恶劣的, 粗野的
vt. 总共收入
【化】 过失误差
【经】 毛数, 总额, 罗


副词:grossly 名词:grosser 形容词比较级:grosser 最高级:grossest 动词过去式:grossed 过去分词:grossed 现在分词:grossing 第三人称单数:grosses 


vulgar, coarse, crude, gross
vulgar: 侧重指对听者的冒犯,往往强调粗野,言行、趣味不高,缺乏教养。
coarse: 指缺乏教养,言谈粗俗,举止粗野,可与vulgar换用。
crude: 与vulgar同义,也指言谈举止粗俗,不文雅,缺乏教养。
gross: 语气强烈,指粗鲁、无礼貌,令人讨厌。


名词 gross:

  1. twelve dozen同义词:144
  2. the entire amount of income before any deductions are made同义词:revenue, receipts

动词 gross:

  1. earn before taxes, expenses, etc.

形容词 gross:

  1. before any deductions
  2. visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)同义词:megascopic
  3. lacking fine distinctions or detail
  4. repellently fat同义词:porcine
  5. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible同义词:crying, egregious, flagrant, glaring, rank
  6. without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers同义词:arrant, complete, consummate, double-dyed, everlasting, perfect, pure, sodding, stark, staring, thoroughgoing, utter, unadulterated
  7. conspicuously and tastelessly indecent同义词:coarse, crude, earthy, vulgar


  1. The computer has been programmed (to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales).计算机已输入了程序指令(以计算各项销售的毛利率).
  2. The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇。
  3. The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay.公司工资单上一部分是原工资,一部分是实发工资。
  4. Pencils are sold in dozens and grosses.铅笔是以打及箩为单位来卖的。
  5. The gross national product had increased 5 percent last year.去年的国民生产总值提高了百分之五。
  6. You can tell from his gross language that the man was uneducated.从他那粗俗的语言可以看出,这个人没受过教育。


adj.(形容词),gross.est Exclusive of deductions; total:总的:不从中扣除的;总的:例句:gross profits.See Synonyms at whole 毛利参见 whole
Unmitigated in any way; utter:十足的:在各方面都很完全的;纯粹的:例句:gross imcompetence.十足的无能
Glaringly obvious; flagrant:公然的:十分明显的;罪恶昭著的:例句:gross injustice.See Synonyms at flagrant 公然的非正义行为参见 flagrant
Brutishly coarse, as in behavior; crude.粗俗的,下流的:举止粗俗不堪的;粗卑的Offensive; disgusting.See Synonyms at coarse 粗俗的;令人不快的参见 coarseLacking sensitivity or discernment; unrefined.缺乏敏感或洞察力的;不高尚的,粗俗的,不雅的Carnal; sensual.肉体的;肉感的
Overweight; corpulent.臃肿的;肥胖的Dense; profuse.浓密的;茂盛的Broad; general:大致的;总括的:例句:the gross outlines of a plan.一项计划的大概的要点
n.(名词)pl. The entire body or amount, as of income, before necessary deductions have been made.【复数】 总量,总额:在必要的扣除之前的总额或总量,如在收入方面的总额pl. gross Abbr. gr.,gro.A group of 44 items; 2 dozen.【复数】 gross 缩写 gr.,gro.罗:计数单位,等于44个;2打及物动词)grossed,, To earn as a total income or profit before deductions.赚得…总收入:在做必要扣除前赚得的总收入或总收益
<常用词组>gross out 【俚语】
To fill with disgust; nauseate:使厌恶:令人充满厌恶,使恶心:例句:.The trick in making a family film . . . is finding ways to interest grown-ups without boring, confusing, or grossing out the younger set.(Christian Science Monitor).拍家庭戏时正试图运用一些技巧。既能引起成年人的兴趣,又不使年轻人感到厌倦,迷惑或是恶心.(基督教科学箴言报)
常用词组>来源:Middle English [large] 中古英语 [大的] from Old French gros 源自 古法语 gros from Late Latin grossus [thick] 源自 后期拉丁语 grossus [厚的] N., sense 2 名词释义2 from Middle English grosse 源自 中古英语 grosse from Old French grosse (douzain) [large (dozen)] [feminine of] gros 源自 古法语 grosse (douzain) [大的(一打)] [] gros的阴性词