handicapped是什么意思 handicapped在线中文翻译



a. 残疾的
【法】 有生理缺陷的, 残废的


名词 handicapped:

  1. people collectively who are crippled or otherwise physically handicapped同义词:disabled

动词 handicap:

  1. injure permanently同义词:disable, invalid, incapacitate, handicap
  2. attempt to forecast the winner (especially in a horse race) and assign odds for or against a contestant同义词:handicap
  3. put at a disadvantage同义词:handicap, hinder, hamper

形容词 handicapped:

  1. markedly unable to function as a consequence of injury or illness同义词:disabled


  1. Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped.伤残人士在治疗中,自助自立是个重要因素。
  2. This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped.这个男孩儿是个可怜的病儿,父母离婚,本人又严重残废。
  3. They were handicapped by (a) poverty of resources.他们因资源短缺处境窘迫。
  4. She's handicapped but very self-sufficient.她身体有缺陷,但很有自立的能力。
  5. Handicapped children need your help please give generously.残疾儿童需要您的帮助--请慷慨解囊。
  6. The social worker advised them to put their handicapped child into care.社会工作者建议他们将其残疾儿送到福利院去。
  7. He was handicapped by lack of education.他因文化水平低而吃了亏。


adj.(形容词)Physically or mentally disabled:残疾的:有生理缺陷的、智力低下的:例句:a pool equipped for handicapped swimmers.为一些残疾人准备的游泳池
Althoughhandicapped is widely used in both law and everyday speech to refer to people having physical or mental disabilities, those described by the word tend to prefer the expressionsdisabled or people with disabilities. To say that people arehandicapped may imply that they cannot function on a par with others, while to say that they have adisability allows more readily for the possibility that they can so function, in spite of having to do some things in different ways.It is also felt that some stigma may attach to the wordhandicapped on account of its origin in the phrase hand in cap, actually derived from a game of chancebut sometimes mistakenly believed to involve the image of a beggar.The wordhandicapped is best reserved to describe a disabled person who is unable to function owing to some property of the environment. Thus people with a physical disability requiring a wheelchair may or may not behandicapped, depending on whether wheelchair ramps are made available to them. 尽管在法律上和在日常用语里handicapped 这个词被广泛使用以言指那些有生理缺陷的,智力低下的人, 那些被这个词描绘的人们更喜欢disabledpeople with disabilities 这两种说法。 说人们是handicapped 可能暗示他们不可能象别的人那样水平的工作, 而当说他们只是disability 时,为他们能够如此工作提供了更大的可能性和余地, 尽管他们是用不同的方式去做同样的事情。一些附着于handicapped 这个词的一些特点是因为这个词来源于 hand in cap 这个短语, 它实际上起源于比赛中的机会,但有时被人误会加入了乞丐的形象。单词handicapped 这个词用来形容那些由于某些客观环境问题而无法工作的人是最好的了, 因此生理有缺陷的而需要轮椅的人,是否是handicapped 要看为他们准备的轮椅的坡道是否可以使用