authorize是什么意思 authorize在线中文翻译



vt. 授权, 批准, 委托
【经】 授权, 委任, 认可


名词:authorizer 动词过去式:authorized 过去分词:authorized 现在分词:authorizing 第三人称单数:authorizes 


allow, let, permit, leave, authorize
allow: 普通用词,侧重听任、默许或不加阻止。在正式场合可用来表客气的请求。
let: 常用词,用于各种非正式场合,语气最弱,指允许或无力阻止某事,暗示漠不关心或听之任之。
permit: 正式用词,在多数场合可与allow换用,语义最强,指准许某人做某事,含权威或正式的意味。
leave: 侧重不加干涉。
authorize: 语气最强,指权威性的允许与认可。


动词 authorize:

  1. grant authorization or clearance for同义词:authorise, pass, clear
  2. give or delegate power or authority to同义词:empower, authorise


  1. I have authorized him to act for me while I am away.我已经委托他当我不在的时候代我处理。
  2. I've been authorized by the court to repossess this property.我得到法庭认可重新拥有这笔财产。
  3. He confidentially authorized me to act for him while he was abroad.他信任地委托我在他出国期间代行他的职务。


au.thor.ize及物动词)au.thor.ized,, To grant authority or power to.授权,委托:向…授予职权或权力To give permission for; sanction:许可:给予同意;批准:例句:the city agency that authorizes construction projects.批准工程建设项目的城市机构
To be sufficient grounds for; justify.提供理由:使…有着充足的理由;证明
来源:Middle English auctorisen 中古英语 auctorisen from Old French autoriser 源自 古法语 autoriser from Medieval Latin auctôriz3re 源自 中世纪拉丁语 auctôriz3re from Latin auctor [author] * see author 源自 拉丁语 auctor [创作者,创作人] *参见 author
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>authorize,accredit,commission,empower,license同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to give someone the authority to act.: 这些动词的共同中心含义是.给某人以行动的职权.: 例句:authorized her partner to negotiate in her behalf;授权其同伴为她的利益谈判;
例句:a representative who was accredited by his government;经其政府授权的代表;
例句:commissioned the real-estate agent to purchase the house for us;委托不动产代理机构为我们购买房屋;
例句:was empowered to make decisions during the president`s absence;当总统缺席时有权作出决定;
例句:a pharmacist licensed to practice in two states. 经许可在两州执业的药剂师。