Greek是什么意思 Greek在线中文翻译



n. 希腊人, 希腊语
a. 希腊的, 希腊人的
【计】 希腊


名词 greek:

  1. the Hellenic branch of the Indo-European family of languages同义词:Hellenic, Hellenic language
  2. a native or inhabitant of Greece同义词:Hellene

形容词 greek:

  1. of or relating to or characteristic of Greece or the Greeks同义词:Grecian, Hellenic


  1. There are many perpendicular marble columns in Greek temples.希腊庙宇有很多垂直的大理石柱。
  2. A satyr is half man and half goat in Greek and Roman mythology.在希腊和罗马神话中,森林之神是半人半羊的样子。
  3. Many Greek cities had to send yearly tribute to Athens.许多希腊城市不得不每年向雅典进贡。
  4. His parents employed a tutor to teach him Greek.他父母雇佣了一位家庭教师来教他希腊语。
  5. This Greek dish is of a very early date.这个希腊盘子是很早时期的制品。
  6. The ancient Greek dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.古希腊人为爱神阿弗罗狄特造了许多神庙。
  7. He is a Greek god.他是一个美男子。
  8. Her sister married a Greek.她妹妹嫁给了一个希腊人。


n.Abbr. Gr.,Gk.(名词)缩写 Gr.,Gk.
The Indo-European language of the Greeks. Greek, the sole member of the Hellenic branch, consists of several groups of ancient and modern regional, social, and literary dialects and is divided into several historical periods.希腊语:印欧语系的希腊语,作为希腊语族的唯一成员,含有几组地方、社会和文学方面的古方言和现今方言,并被分为几个历史时期Greek language and literature from the middle of the eighth centuryb.c. to the end of the third century a.d. , especially the Attic Greek of the fifth and fourth centuries b.c. . 希腊文化:从公元前 8世纪中期到 公元 3世纪末的希腊语言和文学,尤指 公元前 5世纪和4世纪希腊阿提卡时期的语言和文学
A native or inhabitant of Greece.希腊人:希腊本地人或居民A person of Greek ancestry.希腊人后裔:祖先为希腊人的人Informal A member of a fraternity or sorority that has its name composed of Greek letters.【非正式用语】 学生联谊会会员:以希腊字母命名的大学生男生或女生联谊会的成员Informal Something that is unintelligible:【非正式用语】 晦涩难懂的事物:例句:Quantum mechanics is Greek to me.我对量子力学一窍不通
adj.(形容词)Of or relating to Greece or its people, language, or culture.希腊的:与希腊人、语言和文化有关的
来源:Middle English Grek 中古英语 Grek from Old English Grôcas [the Greeks] 源自 古英语 Grôcas [希腊人] from Latin Graecus [Greek] 源自 拉丁语 Graecus [希腊的] from Greek Graikos [tribal name] 源自 希腊语 Graikos [部落名称]