earn是什么意思 earn在线中文翻译



vt. 赚得, 获得, 博得
【计】 欧州科学研究网
【经】 赚得, 挣得, 博得


名词:earner 动词过去式:earned 过去分词:earned 现在分词:earning 第三人称单数:earns 


acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, secure
acquire: 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。
obtain: 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。
gain: 侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。
get: 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。
win: 主要指通过努力、斗争、比赛等而获得胜利。
earn: 侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价与有功而获得。
secure: 强调要通过努力或竞争,或需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东西。


动词 earn:

  1. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages同义词:gain, take in, clear, make, realize, realise, pull in, bring in
  2. acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions同义词:garner


  1. Well-known sportsmen can earn large sums of money from manufacturers by endorsing clothes and equipment.著名运动员在广告中替厂家宣传运动服装和器械,可获得巨额报酬。
  2. How does she earn her living?她靠什么谋生?
  3. He has earned a lot of money in this month.这个月他已经赚了好多钱了。
  4. His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a shrewd tactician.他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明战略家的名声。


v.tr.(及物动词)earned,earn.ing,earns To gain especially for the performance of service, labor, or work:赚得:挣得,尤指因某种服务、劳动或工作而获得的:例句:earned money by mowing lawns.靠修剪草坪赚钱
To acquire or deserve as a result of effort or action:应得,赢得,获得:由于某种效果或行动而所得的或应该得到:例句:She earned a reputation as a hard worker.勤劳的工作使她享有声誉
To yield as return or profit:生利:产生回报或利润:例句:a savings account that earns interest on deposited funds.用存款生利息的储蓄帐户
<习惯用语>earn (one`s) spurs
To gain a position through hard work and the accumulation of experience, often in the face of difficulties:努力挣得,出名:经常是在面临困难的情况下,某人通过努力工作和经验的积累而获得的一定职位:例句:a diplomat who had earned his spurs as the prime minister`s personal assistant.外交家经过奋斗获得首相私人助理之职
习惯用语>来源:Middle English ernen 中古英语 ernen from Old English earnian 源自 古英语 earnian
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>earn,deserve,merit,rate,win同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to gain as a result of one`s behavior or effort.: 这些动词共同的中心意义是.因某人的行为或努力而获得.: 例句:earns a large salary;挣高工资;
例句:deserves our congratulations;赢得我们的祝贺;
例句:a suggestion that merits consideration;应给予考虑的建议;
例句:an event that didn`t even rate a mention in the news;在新闻中甚至不值一提的小事;
例句:a candidate who won wide support. 赢得广泛支持的候选人 ---------------另--------------earn
earn 2
v.intr.(不及物动词)earned,earn.ing,earns 【废语】 To yearn.渴望
来源:Middle English ernen 中古英语 ernen variant of yernen * see yearn yernen的变体 *参见 yearn