fasten是什么意思 fasten在线中文翻译



vt. 拴紧, 使固定, 系, 集中于, 强加于
vi. 扣紧
fasten oneself on sb


名词:fastener 动词过去式:fastened 过去分词:fastened 现在分词:fastening 第三人称单数:fastens 


动词 fasten:

  1. cause to be firmly attached同义词:fix, secure
  2. become fixed or fastened
  3. attach to
  4. make tight or tighter同义词:tighten


  1. We shall be landing (at Gatwick airport) shortly please fasten your seat-belts.我们马上就要(在盖特威克机场)著陆--请大家系好座位上的安全带。
  2. She fastened the notice to the board.她把通知贴到布告板上。
  3. Don't try and fasten the blame on me.别想把过错推到我头上。
  4. I fastened the pages together with a paperclip.我用一个纸夹把那几页纸夹在一起。


v.(动词)fas.tened,,fas.tens及物动词)To attach firmly to something else, as by pinning or nailing.系牢,钉牢:使牢牢附着于别的物体,如用针别住或用钉钉住
To make fast or secure.使坚固或稳固To close, as by fixing firmly in place.使合在一起:封合,如牢固安装在一个地方To fix or direct steadily:集中:稳定地集中或指向:例句:fastened her gaze on the stranger.把她的视线集中在陌生人身上
To place; attribute:置于;将结果归因于:例句:fastened the blame on the weather.怪罪于天气
To impose (oneself) without welcome.强加:不受欢迎地将(自己)强加于人v.intr.(不及物动词)To become attached, fixed, or joined.附着,扣紧:粘住、连接住或合在一起To take firm hold; cling fast:紧握;紧抱:例句:fasten on a notion.坚持一种观念
To focus steadily; concentrate:集中:显著地注意;集中:例句:All eyes fastened on the speaker.所有的眼光都集中在演讲者身上
来源:Middle English fastnen 中古英语 fastnen from Old English fôstnian * see past- 源自 古英语 fôstnian *参见 past-
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>fasten,anchor,fix,moor,secure同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to cause to remain firmly or fast in position or place.: 这些动词共有的意思是.使牢固地保持或附着在某一位置或地方.: 例句:fastened our seat belts;系紧安全带;
例句:anchored the television antenna to the roof;将电视天线安在屋顶;
例句:fixed the flagpole in concrete;用混凝土固定旗杆;
例句:mooring the rowboat at the dock;将划艇系在码头上;
例句:secures her chignon with hairpins. unfasten 用发夹固定她的发髻 unfasten