get是什么意思 get在线中文翻译



vt. 得到, 获得, 变成, 使得, 收获, 接通, 抓住, 染上
vi. 到达, 成为, 变得
n. (网球等)救球, 生殖, 幼兽
【计】 取得指令, 获取文件
get about
get above oneself
get across
get after
get ahead
get along
get away
get away with it
get back
get back at someone
get behind
get by
get done with sth
get down
get sb down
get down on...
get home
get in
get sb in
get sth in
get in with...
get into
get sb into sth
get into sth
get nowhere
get off
get off with sb
get on to sb the trick
get on with...
get on for sth
get out
get sb out
get sth out of sb
get sth out of sth
get over...
get round
get round to do
get through
get to
get under
get up
get oneself up as
get up with it
get up to sth
get hold of...
get sb to do
get something done
to get up early


动词过去式:got 过去分词:gotten,got 现在分词:getting 第三人称单数:gets 形容词:getable 


acquire, obtain, gain, get, win, earn, secure
acquire: 强调通过不断的、持续的努力而获得某物,也指日积月累地渐渐地获得。书面语用词。
obtain: 较正式用词,着重通过巨大努力、要求而得到所需或盼望已久的东西。
gain: 侧重指经过努力或有意识行动而取得某种成就或获得某种利益或好处。
get: 普通用词,使用广泛,可指以任何方式得到某物,也不一定要经过努力。
win: 主要指通过努力、斗争、比赛等而获得胜利。
earn: 侧重指依靠自己的劳动或因付出代价与有功而获得。
secure: 强调要通过努力或竞争,或需要付出代价才能获得所渴望的东西。
become, get, grow, turn, go, come
become: 最普通用词,作为连系动词,指从一个状态向另一个状态的变化。
get: 常指某人或某物有意无意地获得引起变化的因素,结果使变成另一状态。
grow: 常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程。
turn: 侧重指变得与原来截然不同,有时含贬义。
go: 作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态。
come: 侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况。
bring, carry, take, fetch, get, convey, transport
bring: 指从某处把人或物带到或拿到说话者所在的地点,强调方向,不着重方式。
carry: 指把物品从一个地方带到另一个地方,不涉及方向,只强调方式。
take: 指从说话人或说话人心目中所在处把某人或某物带离开,带到离说话者有一定距离的地方,与bring的方向正相反,侧重方向,不着重方式。
fetch: 指一往一返,相当于go and bring,去取了东西或带人再返回到出发处。
get: 口语用词,与fetch基本同义,语气随便。
convey: 指通过中间人传递信息,或以某种方式把人或物送到目的地。
transport: 指使用车辆或机械设备把人或货物从一处运载到另一处。
make, cause, get, have, render
make: 普通用词,指强迫或劝诱他人做某事。
cause: 正式用词,侧重指使某事发生的原因。
get: 侧重指劝某人做某事,或指使某事物处于某种状态或产生某种结果。
have: 普通用词,指让某人做某事。
render: 书面用词,多指因外界因素而使某人或某物处于某种状态。


名词 get:

  1. a return on a shot that seemed impossible to reach and would normally have resulted in a point for the opponent

动词 get:

  1. come into the possession of something concrete or abstract同义词:acquire
  2. enter or assume a certain state or condition同义词:become, go
  3. cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition同义词:let, have
  4. receive a specified treatment (abstract)同义词:receive, find, obtain, incur
  5. reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress同义词:arrive, come
  6. go or come after and bring or take back同义词:bring, convey, fetch
  7. go through (mental or physical states or experiences)同义词:experience, receive, have, undergo
  8. take vengeance on or get even同义词:pay back, pay off, fix
  9. achieve a point or goal同义词:have, make
  10. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner同义词:induce, stimulate, cause, have, make
  11. succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase同义词:catch, capture
  12. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes)同义词:grow, develop, produce, acquire
  13. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness同义词:contract, take
  14. communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone
  15. give certain properties to something同义词:make
  16. move into a desired direction of discourse同义词:drive, aim
  17. grasp with the mind or develop an understanding of同义词:catch
  18. attract and fix同义词:catch, arrest
  19. reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot同义词:catch
  20. reach by calculation
  21. acquire as a result of some effort or action
  22. purchase
  23. perceive by hearing同义词:catch
  24. suffer from the receipt of同义词:catch
  25. receive as a retribution or punishment同义词:receive
  26. leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form同义词:scram, buzz off, fuck off, bugger off
  27. reach and board
  28. irritate同义词:get under one's skin
  29. evoke an emotional response
  30. apprehend and reproduce accurately同义词:catch
  31. earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher同义词:draw
  32. overcome or destroy
  33. be a mystery or bewildering to同义词:perplex, vex, stick, puzzle, mystify, baffle, beat, pose, bewilder, flummox, stupefy, nonplus, gravel, amaze, dumbfound
  34. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action同义词:get down, begin, start out, start, set about, set out, commence
  35. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)同义词:suffer, sustain, have
  36. make children同义词:beget, engender, father, mother, sire, generate, bring forth


  1. I can't get over that shirt he was wearing.我觉得他穿的那件衬衣真可笑。
  2. One day we'll both get to see New York.总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。
  3. I'll get you for that, you bastard!我早晚要跟你算那笔帐,你这坏蛋!
  4. She soon got the children ready for school.她很快帮孩子做好上学的准备。
  5. Do you think you'll get the work finished on time?你认为你的工作可以如期完成吗?
  6. I've got a cold.我得了感冒。
  7. Can we get to the station in time?我们能及时到达车站吗?
  8. I'll get the book you want.我去给你拿那本你想要的书。


v.(动词)got[gôt] got.ten[gôt.n] 或 got get.ting,gets及物动词)
To come into possession or use of; receive:得到,收到:开始具有或使用;收到:例句:got a poodle for her birthday.收到一只长卷毛狗作为她的生日礼物
To meet with or incur:遭遇,招致:例句:got nothing but trouble for her efforts.她的努力不但徒劳无功,反而惹来一身麻烦
To go after and obtain:追求,获得:例句:got a book at the library; got breakfast in town.在图书馆找到一本书;在城里吃了早饭
To go after and bring:取得,带来:例句:Get me a pillow.给我一个枕头
To purchase; buy:买;购买:例句:get groceries.买杂货
To acquire as a result of action or effort:取得:作为行动或努力的结果而得到:例句:He got his information out of an encyclopedia. You can`t get water out of a stone.他从百科全书中查到了资料。石头中可不能冒出水
To earn:努力获得:例句:got high marks in math and science.数学和自然科学得了高分
To accomplish or attain as a result of military action.完成,达成:作为军事行动的成果而完成或获得To obtain by concession or request:获得:通过迁就或请求而获得:例句:couldn`t get the time off; got permission to leave.无法延期;获准离开
To arrive at; reach:到达;抵达:例句:When did you get homeô你什么时候到家的
To reach and board; catch:登上:到达并乘上;赶上:例句:She got her plane two minutes before takeoff.飞机起飞前两分钟她赶上了飞机
To succeed in communicating with, as by telephone:联络上:成功地建立联系,如通电话:例句:couldn`t get me at the office until nine.直到九点才能在办公室联络到我
To become affected with (an illness, for example) by infection or exposure; catch:患上,染上:通过传染或暴露而传染上(例如,疾病);得了:例句:get the flu; got the mumps.患了流感;得了腮腺炎
To be subjected to; undergo:遭受;经历:例句:got a severe concussion.受了严重的脑震荡
To receive as retribution or punishment:得到报应:作为回报或惩罚而收到:例句:got six years in prison for embezzling funds.因贪污公款而被判入狱六年
To sustain a stated injury to:遭受特定的伤害:例句:got my arm broken.胳膊折了
To gain or have understanding of:了解:理解或了解:例句:Do you get this questionô你明白这个问题吗
To learn (a poem, for example) by heart; memorize.记忆:用心记(如一首诗);记忆To find or reach by calculating:找到,得到:通过计算而找到或算出:例句:get a total; can`t get the answer.算出总数;不能找到答案
To perceive by hearing:听清楚:通过听的方法来认知:例句:I didn`t get your name when we were introduced.别人介绍我们认识时,我没听清楚你的名字
To procreate; beget.生殖;生育
To cause to become or be in a specified state or condition:使变得:使变成或处在一个特定的状态或条件下:例句:got the children tired and cross; got the shirt clean.把孩子们弄得疲惫而且恼怒;把衬衫洗干净
To make ready; prepare:使准备;预备:例句:get lunch for a crowd.为众人准备午饭
To cause to come or go:使移动:使来或去:例句:somehow got the car through traffic.设法让汽车脱离交通阻塞
To cause to move or leave:使离开:引起活动或离开:例句:Get me out of here!放我出去
To cause to undertake or perform; prevail on:使从事,使实行:使履行或执行;流行:例句:got the guide to give us the complete tour.让导游带我们做一次完整的旅行
To take, especially by force; seize:捕捉:取得,尤指通过强迫;抓住:例句:The detective got the suspect as he came out of the restaurant.正当嫌疑犯走出饭店时,侦探抓住了他
Informal To overcome or destroy:【非正式用语】 征服,摧毁:例句:The ice storm got the rose bushes.冰雹破坏了玫瑰花丛
To evoke an emotional response or reaction in:使感动:激起强烈的回应或反应于:例句:Romantic music really gets me.浪漫的音乐确实打动了我
To annoy or irritate:使生气或烦躁:例句:What got me was his utter lack of self-discipline.惹火我的是他完全缺乏自律
To present a difficult problem to; puzzle.难住:使面对难题;使迷惑To take revenge on, especially to kill in revenge for a wrong.报复:实行报复,尤指为报复一个错误而刺杀Informal To hit or strike:【非正式用语】 打或殴打:例句:She got him on the chin. The bullet got him in the shoulder.她打了他的脸。子弹射中了他的肩
Baseball To put out.【棒球】 使出局To begin or start. Used with the present participle:开始:开始,与现在分词连用:例句:I have to get working on this or I`ll miss my deadline.我必须就此开始工作,否则我将超过最后期限
To have current possession of. Used in the present perfect form with the meaning of the present:有:现在拥有…,用现在完成时表示现在的含义:例句:We`ve got plenty of cash.我们有足够的现金
To have as an obligation. Used in the present perfect form with the meaning of the present:必须:作为义务而具有,用现在完成时表示现在的含义:例句:I have got to leave early. You`ve got to do the dishes.我得早点离开。你必须洗碗碟
To become or grow to be:变成,长成:例句:eventually got well.终于好了
To be successful in coming or going:到达:成功地来或去:例句:When will we get to New Yorkô我们将于何时抵达纽约
To be able or permitted:能或被允许:例句:never got to see Europe; finally got to work at home.从未能去看看欧洲;最终只能在家工作
To be successful in becoming:成功地变成:例句:get free of a drug problem.成功地戒了毒
Used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive voice auxiliary:被:作为被动语气助动词而与及物动词的过去分词连用:例句:got stuck in the elevator.被困在电梯里了
To become drawn in, entangled, or involved:进入:使加入,被卷入,受牵连:例句:got into debt; get into a hassle.债务缠身;加入争论中
Informal To depart immediately:【非正式用语】 立刻离开:例句:yelled at the dog to get.大声呵斥狗立刻走开
To work for gain or profit; make money:赚钱:为获利或好处而工作;赚钱:例句:puts all his energy into getting and spending.把所有的精力用在赚钱和花钱上
The act of begetting.生育:生育的行为Progeny; offspring.子孙;后代Sports A return in tennis on a shot that seems impossible to reach.【体育运动】 难以回击的一球:一局网球比赛中的最后一击并且似乎不可能接住
<常用词组>get about
To be out of bed and beginning to walk again, as after an illness.可以走动:离开床并开始走动,通常指病后get across
To make understandable or clear:使了解:使变得清楚或令人置信:例句:I have tried to get my point across.我已尽力让我的观点清晰明了
To be convincing or understandable:使信服:使有说服力或可了解:例句:How can I get across to the studentsô我怎样才能让学生心服口服
get after
To urge or scold:催促或责骂:例句:You should get after them to mow the lawn.你应催促他们割草坪
get along
To be or continue to be on harmonious terms:相处融洽:例句:gets along with the in-laws.和姻亲们相处融洽
To manage or fare with reasonable success:过活,生活:合理成功地维持或过活:例句:can`t get along on those wages.无法依赖这些薪水生活
To make progress.进展To advance, especially in years.增加:增加,尤指年龄的增加To go away; leave.走开;离开get around
To circumvent or evade:规避,逃避:例句:managed to get around the real issues.试图逃避真正的问题
Informal To convince or win over by flattering or cajoling.【非正式用语】 取得信任:通过谄媚或哄骗而说服或赢得To travel from place to place:到处旅游:从一地到另一地旅行:例句:It is hard to get around without a car.没有汽车的旅行很艰难
To become known; circulate:散布:变得闻名;流传:例句:Word got around.消息散布到各处
get at
To touch or reach successfully:到达:成功地接触或到达:例句:The cat hid where we couldn`t get at it.猫藏在我们找不到的地方
To try to make understandable; hint at or suggest:暗示:试图使成为可了解的;暗示或表明:例句:I don`t know what you`re getting at.我不知道你在暗示什么
To discover or understand:发现,明白:例句:If we could only get at the cause of the problem!要是我们能知道问题的原因该多好啊
get away
To break free; escape.脱身,逃脱To leave or go away:离开,走开:例句:wanted to come along, but couldn`t get away.想要一起走,但是走不开
get back
To return to a person, place, or condition:归还:回到一个人身边、一个地方或一种情况:例句:getting back to the subject.回到主题
get by
To pass or outstrip.通过,越过To succeed at a level of minimal acceptibility or with the minimal amount of effort:勉强通过:以尽可能少的可能或努力获胜:例句:just got by in high school.中学勉强毕业
To succeed in managing; survive:设法:成功安排;幸存:例句:We`ll get by if we economize.如果节省花费,我们将会熬过难关
To be unnoticed or ignored by:被疏忽:不被发现或被忽视:例句:His mistake got by the editor but was caught by the proofreader.他的错误被编辑忽视了但被校对员发现了
get down
To descend.下降To give one`s attention. Often used withto : 认真:给予注意。常与to 连用: 例句:Let`s get down to work.让我们认真工作吧
To exhaust, discourage, or depress:疲惫,泄气,压抑:例句:The heat was getting me down.炎热使我精疲力竭
To swallow:吞服:例句:got the pill down on the first try.一次就把药吞了下去
To describe in writing.记下:用写描绘Informal To lose one`s inhibitions; enjoy oneself wholeheartedly.【非正式用语】 放纵:失去控制;全身心享受get in
To enter.进入To arrive:到达:例句:We got in late last night.昨天晚上我们到迟了
To become or cause to become involved:陷入或使陷入:例句:She got in with the wrong crowd. Repeated loans from the finance company got me in deeper and deeper.她和不法分子有瓜葛。从信贷公司的再三借款令我越陷越深
To become accepted, as in a club.被接受:变得被接受了,如在一个俱乐部中To succeed in making or doing:完成:成功地制作或做:例句:got in six deliveries before noon.在中午前送信六次
get into
To become involved in:卷入:例句:got into trouble by stealing cars.因偷车而麻烦缠身
Informal To be interested in:【非正式用语】 对…有兴趣:例句:got into gourmet cooking.对烹饪有了兴趣
get off
To start, as on a trip; leave.起程:动身,如一旅程;离开To fire (a round of ammunition, for example):开火:射出(如一发子弹):例句:got off two shots before the deer disappeared.在鹿消失前开了两枪
To write and send, as a letter.寄信:写并送出,如一封信To escape, as from punishment or danger:逃避处罚或危险:例句:got off scot-free.逍遥法外
To obtain a release or lesser penalty for:使获释或减轻处罚:例句:The attorney got her client off with a slap on the wrist.这位律师使她的委托人仅受到轻罚就获释了
Slang To act or speak with effrontery. Used in the imperative to express contempt or disdainful disbelief.【俚语】 厚颜无耻的言行:厚颜无耻地做或说。用在祈使语气以表达鄙视或轻蔑的不信Slang To have an orgasm.【俚语】 达到性高潮Slang 【俚语】 To feel great pleasure or gratification.感到极大的喜悦或满足To experience euphoria, for example, as a result of taking a drug.飘飘欲仙的感觉:感受精神愉快,如服用毒品的结果To get permission to leave one`s workplace:下班:得到离开工作岗位的允许:例句:got off early and went fishing.早点下班去钓鱼
get on
To be or continue on harmonious terms:相处和谐:是或连续处于和睦的关系之中:例句:She gets on well with the neighbors.她和邻居关系和睦
To manage or fare with reasonable success.生活:合理成功地安排或进展To make progress; continue:进步:取得进步;继续:例句:get on with a performance.继续保持这样的表现
To advance in years.年纪增长To acquire understanding or knowledge:了解,认清:例句:got on to the con game.认清骗术
get out
To leave or escape.离开,逃走To cause to leave or escape.使离开,使逃走To become known:泄露:例句:Somehow the secret got out.总之秘密被泄露了
To publish, as a newspaper.出版,如报纸get over
To prevail against; overcome.胜过;超越To recover from:痊愈:例句:finally got over the divorce.最终从离婚的创伤中恢复了
To get across.使人了解get through
To arrive at the end of; finish or complete.结束:到达终点;结束或完成To succeed in making contact; reach.到达:成功地和…联络;到达To make oneself understood.使自己被理解get to
To begin. Used with the present participle:开始:开始。和现在分词连用:例句:got to reminiscing.开始追忆往事
To start to deal with:开始处理:例句:didn`t get to the housework until Sunday.直到星期日才着手处理家务
To influence or affect, especially adversely:影响:影响,尤指相反地:例句:The noise really gets to me.噪音真的令我心烦
get together
To bring together; gather.集会:带到一起;集会To come together.来到一起To arrive at an agreement.达成协议get up
To arise from bed or rise to one`s feet.起床:起床或起立To climb.爬To act as the creator or organizer of:组织:作为创作者或组织者而行动:例句:got up a petition against rezoning.组织一次反对重新分区的请愿
To dress or adorn:穿着或佩戴:例句:She got herself up in a bizarre outfit.她穿了一套古怪的套装
To find within oneself:鼓起:例句:trying to get up the nerve to quit.设法鼓起勇气辞职
常用词组><习惯用语>get around to
To find the time or occasion for.为…找到时间或机会get away with
To escape the consequences of (a blameworthy act, for example):逃避:逃避(如应受批评的行为的)后果:例句:got away with cheating but was later caught.以欺骗手段逃避但后来被抓住了
get back at
To take revenge on.进行报复…get cracking
To begin to work; get started.开始:开始工作;开始get even
To obtain revenge.得到报复get even with
To repay with an equivalent act, as for revenge.报复:以相等的行动报答,如为了复仇get going
To make a beginning; get started.起头;开始get it【非正式用语】
To be punished or scolded.被惩罚或责备get it on【俚语】
To become filled with energy or excitement.用精力或激动使充满To engage in sexual intercourse.从事性交get nowhere
To make no progress.毫无进展get on the stick
To begin to work.开始工作get (someone`s) goat
To make angry or vexed.使生气或恼怒get somewhere【非正式用语】
To make progress.取得进步get there【非正式用语】
To make progress or achieve success.取得进步或获得成功get wind of
To learn of:知道:例句:got wind of the scheme.知道这个计划
习惯用语>来源:Middle English geten 中古英语 geten from Old Norse geta * see ghend- 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 geta *参见 ghend-
【引伸】 或
adj.(形容词)The use ofget in the passive, as inWe got sunburned at the beach, is generally avoided in formal writing.In less formal contexts, however,the construction does provide a useful distinction in attributing a more active role to its subject than would the corresponding passive withbe. Thus if Jones has committed a flagrant breach of law in order to test a particular statute,the situation might best be described by the sentenceJones got arrested by the police; whereas if Jones did nothing to provoke the police action,the sentenceJones was arrested by the police would be preferred. 在被动语态使用get , 如我们在海滩上晒黑了 , 渐渐在正式写作中避免。但在非正式上下文中,这个结构为使其比相应被动形式be 给予其主语更为主动的角色提供了极为有用的区别。 因此,如果琼斯为了验证特殊法律条文而严重违犯了某法律,最好用以下句子来描绘Jones got arrested by the police, 但如果琼斯没有反抗警察的行为,句子Jones was arrested by the police 比较合宜