fixed是什么意思 fixed在线中文翻译



a. 固定的, 不变的
【法】 固定的, 确定的, 不变的


名词:fixedness 副词:fixedly 


动词 fix:

  1. restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken同义词:repair, mend, fix, bushel, doctor, furbish up, restore, touch on
  2. cause to be firmly attached同义词:fasten, fix, secure
  3. decide upon or fix definitely同义词:specify, set, determine, fix, limit
  4. prepare for eating by applying heat同义词:cook, fix, ready, make, prepare
  5. take vengeance on or get even同义词:pay back, pay off, get, fix
  6. set or place definitely同义词:fix
  7. kill, preserve, and harden (tissue) in order to prepare for microscopic study同义词:fix
  8. make fixed, stable or stationary同义词:fixate, fix
  9. make infertile同义词:sterilize, sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, desexualise, fix
  10. put (something somewhere) firmly同义词:situate, fix, posit, deposit
  11. make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc同义词:fix, prepare, set up, ready, gear up, set

形容词 fixed:

  1. (of a number) having a fixed and unchanging value
  2. fixed and unmoving同义词:set, rigid
  3. securely placed or fastened or set
  4. incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g. "frozen prices"同义词:frozen
  5. (of taxes) not increasing as the amount taxed increases同义词:flat


  1. He received the fixed dole every month.他每个月都能领到固定的救济金。
  2. Fixed wages and lack of promotion act as a disincentive to employees.工资固定又无晋升机会遏制了雇员的积极性。
  3. The hours of the meetings will be fixed at the monitor's discretion.开会时间将由班长自行决定。
  4. A miner's lamp is fixed onto his helmet.矿灯固定在矿工的头盔上。
  5. I must get the radio fixed.我必须找人把收音机修理好。
  6. He had the fixed idea that a woman's place was in the home.他有个成见,认为女人的天地是在家里。


adj.(形容词)Firmly in position; stationary.固定的;不能动的:位置上固定不动的Determined; established; set:决定的;确定的;不变的:例句:at a fixed time; a fixed price.在某一固定时间;固定价格
Not subject to change or variation; constant:固定的;不变的:例句:pensioners on a fixed income.有固定收入的领养老金者
Chemistry 【化学】 Not readily evaporating; nonvolatile.不挥发的;不易挥发的Being in a stable, combined form:化合的:处于稳定的化合态的:例句:fixed nitrogen.化合氮
Firmly, often dogmatically held:坚定不移的,固执的:通常是武断地持某一观点:例句:fixed notions.固执的概念
Supplied, especially with funds or needs. Often used in combination:处境…的:尤指在资金或需要上供给。常用于复合词中:例句:a well-fixed bachelor.一个生活宽裕的单身汉
Illegally prearranged as to outcome:预先安排好结果的:非法地安排好结果:例句:a fixed election.预先安排好结果的选举