filler是什么意思 filler在线中文翻译



n. 装填者, 补白, 装填物
【计】 填充符
【化】 填充物; 填料
【医】 充填器; 充填剂, 填料
【经】 菲拉


名词 filler:

  1. used for filling cracks or holes in a surface
  2. 100 filler equal 1 forint in Hungary
  3. copy to fill space between more important articles in the layout of a magazine or newspaper
  4. anything added to fill out a whole同义词:makeweight
  5. the tobacco used to form the core of a cigar

n.(名词)One that fills, as:装填者,填充物,如:Something added in order to augment weight or size or fill space.装填物:为了增加重量或尺寸或填满空余而加进去的物质A composition, especially a semisolid that hardens on drying, used to fill pores, cracks, or holes in wood, plaster, or other construction surfaces before finishing.填料:一种混合物,尤指在干燥过程中变硬的半液体状物质,用于在完工前将木头、塑料或其它建筑表面填入孔、裂缝或洞Tobacco used to form the body of a cigar.作烟心的烟草:用来构成卷烟体的烟草A short item used to fill space in a publication.补白:用来填补出版物中空白的短条目Something, such as a news item, public-service message, or music, used to fill time in a radio or television presentation.补白内容:例如新闻栏目、公共服务信息或音乐,用来填补无线电或电视表演间空白时间的东西A sheaf of loose papers used to fill a notebook or binder.活页纸:用来填在笔记本中或活页簿中的活页纸Architecture An element, such as a plate, used to fill the space between two supporting members.【建筑学】 填料:用来填充两个支撑物之间的空间的结构物,例如横木板