franchise是什么意思 franchise在线中文翻译



n. 公民权, 特权, 特许经营权, 免赔额
vt. 给以特权, 给以...公民权
【法】 特权, 特许, 专营权


动词过去式:franchised 过去分词:franchised 现在分词:franchising 第三人称单数:franchises 


名词 franchise:

  1. an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
  2. a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area同义词:dealership
  3. a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote)同义词:enfranchisement

动词 franchise:

  1. grant a franchise to


  1. He has bought a hot dog franchise.他购买了一家热狗特许经营店。
  2. A franchise to sell specified items in a certain area.商品经销特许权在某一区域内出售某特定商品的特许权
  3. That fast food business have expanded through the sale of franchise.该快餐店通过出售联营经销权而扩大了生意。
  4. He runs his sandwich chain as a franchise operation.作为一种给予特许专营权业务,他经营三明治连锁店。


n.(名词)A privilege or right officially granted a person or a group by a government, especially:给予…特权:政府正式赋予个人或一个集团的权利或特权,尤指:The constitutional or statutory right to vote.选举权:宪法或法律规定的选举权The establishment of a corporation`s existence.公司法则:公司赖以存在的法则The granting of certain rights and powers to a corporation.公司权:赋予公司一定的权利和权力Legal immunity from servitude, certain burdens, or other restrictions.特许权:免除奴役、负担或其它限制
Authorization granted to someone to sell or distribute a company`s goods or services in a certain area.特许经营权:特许给个人在特定的领土内销售商品或提供服务的权利A business or group of businesses established or operated under such authorization.被授予特权的企业:在这种特权下被建立或管理的一个或一组企业The territory or limits within which immunity, a privilege, or a right may be exercised.特区:可以享有豁免权、特权或权利的区域范围Informal A professional sports team.【非正式用语】 职业运动队及物动词)fran.chised,, To grant a franchise to.赋予特权
来源:Middle English fraunchise 中古英语 fraunchise from Old French franchise 源自 古法语 franchise from franche [feminine of] franc [free, exempt] * see frank 源自 franche [] franc的阴性词 [无偿的,被免除的] *参见 frank