gloom是什么意思 gloom在线中文翻译



n. 忧郁, 暗处, 幽暗
vi. 变忧沉, 变黑暗
vt. 使忧郁, 使黑暗
【化】 干燥炉


动词过去式:gloomed 过去分词:gloomed 现在分词:glooming 第三人称单数:glooms 


名词 gloom:

  1. a state of partial or total darkness同义词:somberness, sombreness
  2. a feeling of melancholy apprehension同义词:gloominess, somberness, sombreness
  3. an atmosphere of depression and melancholy同义词:gloominess, glumness


  1. I made out two dim shapes in the gloom.我在朦胧中看出有两个模糊的影子。
  2. The crimes committed there invested the place with an air of mystery and gloom.在那里发生罪案後,该地笼罩上一种阴森诡秘的气氛。
  3. Don't let defeat fill you with gloom.别让失败使你灰心丧气。
  4. In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building.在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建筑物的轮廓来。
  5. My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the gloom.我的眼睛对黑暗慢慢适应了。
  6. The news of defeat cast a gloom over the town.战败的消息给小城蒙上了一层忧郁。


Partial or total darkness; dimness:阴暗,黑暗;昏暗:例句:switched on a table lamp to banish the gloom of a winter afternoon.打开台灯来赶走冬天傍晚的昏暗
A partially or totally dark place, area, or location.黑暗处,阴暗处:部分或全都黑暗的地方、地区或位置
An atmosphere of melancholy or depression:忧郁,低沉气氛,情绪低落:例句:Gloom pervaded the office.低沉的气氛笼罩着办公室
A state of melancholy or depression; despondency.忧郁,低沉的精神状态;消沉v.(动词)gloomed,,glooms v.intr.(不及物动词)To be or become dark, shaded, or obscure.变黑,变暗,变得模糊To feel, appear, or act despondent, sad, or mournful.忧郁,沮丧,悲伤,忧伤及物动词)To make dark, shaded, or obscure.使变黑,变暗,使模糊Archaic To make despondent; sadden.【古语】 使忧伤,沮丧;使悲伤
来源:Probably from Middle English gloumen [to become dark, look glum] 可能源自 中古英语 gloumen [变黑暗,显得忧闷,阴郁]