addition是什么意思 addition在线中文翻译



n. 加法, 增加的人(或物)
【计】 加法
【化】 附加; 加入量
【医】 加, 添加
【经】 增添(有关固定资产者)
in addition
in addition to...


形容词:additional 副词:addi-tionally 


addition, appendix, attachment, supplement, accessory
addition: 仅强调数量的增加。
appendix: 指书末的附录。
attachment: 指用于扩大原物用途的附件。
supplement: 主要指使书、报等正文更完善而额外增加的部分。
accessory: 作“附件”解时,与attachment同义,可互换,但还指增加美观的附属品。


名词 addition:

  1. a component that is added to something to improve it同义词:add-on, improver
  2. the act of adding one thing to another
  3. a quantity that is added同义词:increase, gain
  4. something added to what you already have同义词:accession
  5. a suburban area laid out in streets and lots for a future residential area
  6. the arithmetic operation of summing; calculating the sum of two or more numbers同义词:summation, plus


  1. In addition to a diet, she pursues various exercises on TV.节食以外她还随电视做体操。
  2. In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.除了一本照相簿外,我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。
  3. Addition and division are forms of computation.加法和除法都是计算方法。
  4. Ann will be a very useful addition to our team.安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。
  5. The little girl is not very clever at addition.这个小女孩不太善于做加法。
  6. In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。