flip是什么意思 flip在线中文翻译



vt. 掷, 弹, 轻击, 空翻
vi. 用指轻弹, 抽打, 蹦跳
n. 抛, 弹, 筋斗
a. 无礼的
【计】 翻转
flip through sth


形容词比较级:flipper 最高级:flippest 动词过去式:flipped 过去分词:flipped 现在分词:flipping 第三人称单数:flips 


名词 flip:

  1. an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return同义词:somersault, somerset, summersault, summerset, somersaulting
  2. hot or cold alcoholic mixed drink containing a beaten egg
  3. the act of flipping a coin同义词:toss
  4. a dive in which the diver somersaults before entering the water
  5. (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team同义词:pass, toss

动词 flip:

  1. lightly throw to see which side comes up同义词:toss
  2. cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation同义词:throw, switch
  3. look through a book or other written material同义词:flick, thumb, riffle, leaf, riff
  4. toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air同义词:twitch
  5. cause to move with a flick同义词:flick
  6. throw or toss with a light motion同义词:toss, sky, pitch
  7. move with a flick or light motion
  8. turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse同义词:flip over, turn over
  9. go mad, go crazy同义词:flip out
  10. reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)同义词:interchange, tack, switch, alternate, flip-flop

形容词 flip:

  1. marked by casual disrespect同义词:impudent, insolent, snotty-nosed


  1. I had a quick flip through the book and it looked very interesting.我很快翻阅了一下那本书,看来似乎很有趣。
  2. A flip answer to a serious question.对严肃问题的轻率回答


v.(动词)flipped,flip.ping,flips v.tr.(及物动词)To throw or toss with a light, brisk motion:轻抛:以轻而快的动作扔或抛:例句:flipped me the ball; flipped his hair out of his eyes.把球扔给我;撩开挡住眼睛的头发
To toss in the air, imparting a spin:抛掷:在空中抛掷,使旋转:例句:flip a coin.抛硬币
To turn over or around, especially with a light, quick motion:敏捷翻转:尤指用轻而快的动作翻转或转动:例句:flip over a card; flipped the record to play the other side.敏捷地翻牌;把唱片翻到另一面放
To turn through; leaf:翻:浏览;翻书页:例句:flipped the pages of the report.很快地翻动报告
To strike quickly or lightly; flick.轻拍:轻而快地击;轻弹To move or act on with a quick motion:晃动:以很快的动作移动或行动:例句:flip a switch; flipped open her briefcase.扳动开关;迅速打开箱子
v.intr.(不及物动词)To turn over:翻转:例句:The canoe flipped over in the rapids.独木舟在急流中翻了过来
To turn a somersault in the air.在空中翻筋斗To move in twists and turns:翻转扭动:又扭又转地运动:例句:fish flipping about in the net.鱼在网中乱蹦乱跳
To move quickly and lightly; snap:轻捷地移动:轻而快地运动;猛地一动:例句:The lid flipped open.盖子.啪.的一声打开了
To leaf; browse:翻动书页;浏览:例句:flipped through the catalogue.浏览了一下目录
Slang 【俚语】 To go crazy. Often used without. 发狂。常与out 连用 To react strongly and especially enthusiastically:欣喜若狂:强烈地尤指热烈地反应:例句:She flipped over the new car.她被这辆新汽车迷住了
n.(名词)The act of flipping, especially:轻抛:轻抛的动作,尤指:A flick or tap.轻弹或轻拍A short, quick movement:抖动:短暂、迅速的运动:例句:a flip of the wrist.手腕的一动
A somersault.筋斗Informal A reversal; a flipflop.【非正式用语】 翻转:颠倒;突然的转向A mixed drink made with any of various alcoholic beverages and often including beaten eggs.混合饮料:一种由多种酒精饮料中的一种制成的混合饮料,通常还加入打过的鸡蛋adj.(形容词)flip.per,flip.pest 【非正式用语】 Marked by casual disrespect; impertinent:不相干的:以不经意的失礼为特征的;鲁莽的:例句:a flip answer to a serious question.对严肃问题的轻率回答
<习惯用语>flip (one`s) lid【俚语】
To react strongly, as with anger or enthusiasm.反应强烈:如带着怒气或激情等强烈地反应To go crazy.发狂习惯用语>来源:[Perhaps imitative] [可能源于拟声词]