haunted是什么意思 haunted在线中文翻译



a. 常出现鬼的, 闹鬼的


动词 haunt:

  1. follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to同义词:haunt, stalk
  2. haunt like a ghost; pursue同义词:haunt, obsess, ghost
  3. be a regular or frequent visitor to a certain place同义词:frequent, haunt

形容词 haunted:

  1. having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something同义词:obsessed, preoccupied, taken up
  2. showing emotional affliction or disquiet
  3. inhabited by or as if by apparitions


  1. The boy wanted his mother to expand on what she had said about the haunted house.男孩希望他母亲详细说说她曾经提到过的闹鬼房子的情形。
  2. I'm haunted with gloomy thoughts and sad memories.我常为悲观的思想和悲痛的追念所困扰。
  3. Mr Thompson is going to sell it because it is haunted."汤普森先生打算把它卖掉,是因为它好闹鬼。"
  4. She claims to have seen manifestations of dead people in the haunted house.她说她在那闹鬼的房子里看见了死人显灵。