fuss是什么意思 fuss在线中文翻译



n. 大惊小怪, 小题大作, 忙乱
vi. 无事自扰, 焦急, 焦燥, 忙乱
vt. 使激动, 使烦燥
fuss up and down
make a fuss
kick up a fuss


名词:fusser 动词过去式:fussed 过去分词:fussed 现在分词:fussing 第三人称单数:fusses 


名词 fuss:

  1. an excited state of agitation同义词:dither, pother, tizzy, flap
  2. an angry disturbance同义词:trouble, bother, hassle
  3. a quarrel about petty points同义词:bicker, bickering, spat, tiff, squabble, pettifoggery
  4. a rapid active commotion同义词:bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, stir

动词 fuss:

  1. worry unnecessarily or excessively同义词:niggle, fret
  2. care for like a mother同义词:mother, overprotect


  1. Stop all this fuss and get on with your work.别大惊小怪的闹了,继续干你的活儿去吧。
  2. Stop fussing and eat your food!别大惊小怪的,吃你的东西吧!
  3. Don't make so much fuss over the children.不要对孩子照顾得太过分。
  4. She fusses too much about her health.她对自己的健康过份担心。
  5. Don't make so much fuss over losing a pen.别为了丢失一支笔就这样大惊小怪。
  6. There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken.我父母发现窗子被打破后,一定会有一番斥责。


n.(名词)Needlessly nervous or useless activity; commotion:忙乱:不必要的紧张或没用的行动;混乱喧闹:例句:There was a lot of fuss on moving day.搬家那天闹哄哄的
A state of excessive and unwarranted concern over an unimportant matter:大惊小怪:对小事表示出过分的或不必要的关心的状态:例句:made a big fuss over one low test grade.对区区初级考试的分数那么大惊小怪
An objection; a protest:异议:反对;抗议:例句:The longer working hours caused a big fuss.延长工作时间的做法引起了强烈反对
A quarrel.争吵A display of affectionate excitement and attention:瞎操心:表现出过分兴奋和激动:例句:Everyone made a fuss over the new baby.每个人都为新生儿瞎操心
v.(动词)fussed,fuss.ing,fuss.es v.intr.(不及物动词)To trouble or worry over trifles.大惊小怪:为小事烦恼或忧虑To be excessively careful or solicitous:过分讲究:过分小心或讲究:例句:fussed over their children.过分小心地对待他们的孩子
To get into or be in a state of nervous or useless activity:忙乱:进入紧张和瞎忙状态:例句:fussed with the collar of his coat.手忙脚乱地整理衣领
To object; complain.反对;抱怨v.tr.(及物动词)To disturb or vex with unimportant matters.使烦恼:使为小事烦恼,烦扰
来源:[Origin unknown] [词源不明]