assure是什么意思 assure在线中文翻译



vt. 保证, 使确信, 弄清楚, 担保
【法】 确信, 保证, 保障
to assure oneself of sth


名词:assurer 动词过去式:assured 过去分词:assured 现在分词:assuring 第三人称单数:assures 形容词:assurable 


动词 assure:

  1. make certain of同义词:guarantee, ensure, insure, secure
  2. inform positively and with certainty and confidence同义词:tell
  3. assure somebody of the truth of something with the intention of giving the listener confidence
  4. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something同义词:see, check, insure, see to it, ensure, control, ascertain
  5. cause to feel sure; give reassurance to同义词:reassure
  6. make a promise or commitment同义词:promise


  1. Her success as an actress was now assured.她当演员很成功,已毋庸置疑了。
  2. We book early to assure ourselves of seats.我们及早订票以确保有座。
  3. I can assure you that your son will be happy here.我可以向你保证,你儿子在这里会很快乐的。


as.sure及物动词)as.sured,,as.sures To inform positively, as to remove doubt:向…保证:告知确实如此,以解除怀疑:例句:assured us that the train would be on time.向我们保证火车将会准时到达
To cause to feel sure:使确信:例句:assured her of his devotion.使她确信他的挚爱
To give confidence to; reassure.给予信心;使放心To make certain; ensure:确实;保证:例句:.Nothing in history assures the success of our civilization.(Herbert J. Muller).历史上没有任何东西保证我们文明的胜利.(赫伯特J.马勒)
To make safe or secure.使安全,使稳固Chiefly British To insure, as against loss.【多用于英国】 给…保险,以防意外
来源:Middle English assuren 中古英语 assuren from Old French assurer 源自 古法语 assurer from Vulgar Latin *assôcôr3re [to make sure] 源自 俗拉丁语 *assôcôr3re [确认] Latin ad- [ad-] 拉丁语 ad- [前缀,表.朝,向.] côrus [secure] * see secure côrus [安全的] *参见 secure
n.(名词)Assure, ensure, and insure all mean .to make secure or certain.. Onlyassure is used with reference to a person in the sense of .to set the mind at rest.: Assure,ensureinsure 都指.使稳固或有把握。. 只是assure 用来指人,有.使某人放心.的意思: 例句:assured the leader of his loyalty. 使领导确信他的忠诚。
Althoughensure and insure are generally interchangeable, onlyinsure is now widely used in American English in the commercial sense of .to guarantee persons or property against risk.. 虽然ensureinsure 在一般情况下可以互换, 现在只有insure 广泛用于美国英语中,商业中意指.给人或财产保险以防意外。.