fellow是什么意思 fellow在线中文翻译



n. 男人, 朋友, 同事
a. 同伴的, 同事的, 同道的
【法】 同谋者, 同伙


associate, companion, comrade, colleague, fellow, partner
associate: 普通用词,侧重指在利害关系上密切相关。
companion: 指陪伴他人的人,即同伴或陪伴。
comrade: 指具有共同的事业、利益关系相一致的人。
colleague: 一般用于对同事的正式称呼,基本上专用在职业关系上。
fellow: 多用复数形式,指一块住、生活或同行共事的人。
partner: 指事业中处于合伙关系的人,或指婚姻、游戏、跳舞中的另一方。


名词 fellow:

  1. a boy or man同义词:chap, feller, lad, gent, fella, blighter, cuss
  2. a person who is frequently in the company of another同义词:companion, comrade, familiar, associate
  3. a person who is member of your class or profession同义词:colleague, confrere
  4. an informal form of address for a man同义词:dude, buster
  5. a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman同义词:boyfriend, beau, swain, young man


  1. We've sinned against you, and against our fellow men.我们得罪了你,也得罪了我们的邻人。
  2. He is a friendly jovial fellow.他是个和蔼而快乐的人。
  3. He is an exceedingly tedious fellow.他是一个非常令人生厌的家伙。
  4. He is an agreeable fellow, but likes to blow his own horn.他是一个随和的人,但就是喜欢自吹自擂。
  5. He was cut off from his fellows.他和同伴失去联系。


A man or boy.男人或小伙子Informal A boyfriend.【非正式用语】 男朋友A comrade or an associate.同事或伙伴
A person of equal rank, position, or background; a peer.同辈:头衔、地位或背景相同的人;匹敌One of a pair; a mate:一对中的一个;配对物:例句:found the lost shoe and its fellow.找到了丢失的鞋和它的另一只
Abbr. F,F.A member of a learned society.缩写 F,F.学术团体的成员Abbr. F,F.A graduate student appointed to a position granting financial aid and providing for further study.缩写 F,F.研究员:任命某一职位并给予财政资助以供进一步学习研究的研究生Abbr. F,F.Chiefly British 缩写 F,F.【多用于英国】 An incorporated senior member of certain colleges and universities.大学董事:某些学院或大学中的社团高级会员A member of the governing body of certain colleges and universities.校务委员会委员:某些学院或大学中管理机构的一员Obsolete A person of a lower social class.【废语】 社会地位低下的人adj.(形容词)Being of the same kind, group, occupation, society, or locality; having in common certain characteristics or interests:同事的,同类的:属于同一类、同一组、同一职业、同一社团或同一地区的;有共同的特征或利益的:例句:fellow workers.同事
来源:Middle English felau 中古英语 felau from Old English olaga 源自 古英语 olaga from Old Norse lagi [business partner, fellow] 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 lagi [商业合伙人,伙伴] from lag [partnership] 源自 lag [合作关系] [property, money] * see peku- [所有物,财产] *参见 peku- lag [a laying down] * see legh- lag [储存] *参见 legh-
<注释>A jolly good fellow might or might not be the ideal business associate,but the ancestor of our wordfellow definitely referred to a business partner. Fellow, borrowed into English from Old Norse,is related to the Old Icelandic wordlagi, meaning .a partner or shareholder of any kind..Old Icelandiclagi is derived from lag, .partnership,. a compound made up of, .livestock, property, money,. and lag, .a laying in order. and .fellowship.. The notion of putting one`s property together lies behind the senses oflagi meaning .partner. and .consort..In Old Icelandiclagi also had the general sense .fellow, mate, comrade,. whichfellow has as well, indicating perhaps that most partnerships turned out all right for speakers of Old Icelandic.极好的伙伴可能是但也可能不是理想的商业伙伴,但fellow 这个词的前身确实是指商业伙伴。 Fellow 从古挪威语中借入英语,与古冰岛词felagi 有关, 意思是.任何一种形式的伙伴或股东.。古冰岛的felagi 源于 felag, .伙伴关系,. 一个由fe .家畜,财产,钱,.和 lag, .整齐的布置.和.伙伴关系. 组成的合成词。 将某人的财产放在一起的概念隐藏在felagi 的意义中, 意思是.伙伴.和.同事.。在古冰岛语中felagi 也有概括的含义.伙伴,同事,同志., 这些意思fellow 也有, 暗示着也许大多数同伴关系对讲古冰岛语的人来说结果都不错注释>