ghost是什么意思 ghost在线中文翻译



n. 鬼, 灵魂, 幻影, 一丝, 一点
vt. 鬼似地游荡
vi. 鬼似地游荡
【电】 重像
the ghost of...


形容词:ghosty 动词过去式:ghosted 过去分词:ghosted 现在分词:ghosting 第三人称单数:ghosts 


soul, ghost, spirit
soul: 指超越身体之外,永远存在的无形的东西,即所谓灵魂,亦可作人解。
ghost: 普通用词,主要指死者的灵魂。
spirit: 当指与body相对而言的所谓灵魂时,可与soul互换使用,但强调人的精神素质,也指神仙、精灵等。


名词 ghost:

  1. a mental representation of some haunting experience同义词:shade, spook, wraith, specter, spectre
  2. a writer who gives the credit of authorship to someone else同义词:ghostwriter
  3. the visible disembodied soul of a dead person
  4. a suggestion of some quality同义词:touch, trace

动词 ghost:

  1. move like a ghost
  2. haunt like a ghost; pursue同义词:haunt, obsess
  3. write for someone else同义词:ghostwrite


  1. I can't have seen a ghost it must have been imagination.我看到的不可能是鬼--一定是幻想的东西吧。
  2. The ghost has been laid and will not return to haunt you again.那鬼魂已经祛除,不会再回来缠著你了。
  3. The car seems to have given up the ghost.看来这汽车算是报销了。
  4. Her gold-medal victory laid the ghost of her shock defeat in the European Championships.她在欧洲锦标赛中的惨败终因她夺得金牌的胜利而雪耻。
  5. He was shaking with fright as if he had seen a ghost.他吓得直哆嗦,就好像看见了鬼一样。


n.(名词)The spirit of a dead person, especially one believed to appear in bodily likeness to living persons or to haunt former habitats.鬼,鬼魂:死人的精神或灵魂,尤指被认为能以身体再现于活人身上或经常在以前的住处出现的The center of spiritual life; the soul.灵魂:精神生活的中心;灵魂A demon or spirit.恶魔,灵魂A returning or haunting memory or image.幻影,幻象:常出现或萦绕脑际的记忆或幻影
A slight or faint trace:微量:一丝或细微的痕迹:例句:just a ghost of a smile.只有一丝微笑
The tiniest bit:最小的量:例句:not a ghost of a chance.毫无机会
A faint, false image, as:假象:一种微弱虚幻的影象,如:A secondary image on a television or radar screen caused by reflected waves.叠影:电视或雷达屏幕上出现的由反射波引起的重像A displaced image in a photograph caused by the optical system of the camera.重影:由照相机的光学系统引起而出现在照片上的重像或幻影A false spectral line caused by imperfections in the diffraction grating.鬼线:衍射光栅中的不完整衍射引起一条虚幻的鬼线A displaced image in a mirror caused by reflection from the front of the glass.幻像:由镜前玻璃反射而引起的镜子中的幻像或重像Informal A ghostwriter.【非正式用语】 替人捉刀者,代笔人
A nonexistent publication listed in bibliographies.鬼书:书目中列出的一种不存在的出版物A fictitious employee or business.杜撰的人,虚构的企业Physiology A red blood cell having no hemoglobin.【生理学】 血影细胞:失去血红蛋白的一种红血细胞v.(动词)ghost.ed,,ghosts v.intr.(不及物动词)Informal To engage in ghostwriting.【非正式用语】 替人代笔,充当捉刀To move noiselessly like a ghost:象鬼魂似的悄无声息地移动:例句:.Two young deer ghosted out of the woods.(Nancy M. Debevoise).两只幼鹿无声无息地跑出树林.(南希M.德比乌斯)及物动词)To haunt.鬼魂出没Informal To ghostwrite:【非正式用语】 代笔:例句:was hired to ghost the memoirs of a famous executive.被雇来替一著名的官员代笔写自传
来源:Middle English gost 中古英语 gost from Old English g3st [breath, spirit] 源自 古英语 g3st [气息,精神]