get into是什么意思 get into在线中文翻译

get into['get.intə]


进入, 陷入, 穿上


动词 get into:

  1. get involved in or with同义词:tangle with
  2. to come or go into同义词:enter, come in, get in, go into, go in, move into
  3. secure a place in a college, university, etc.同义词:get in
  4. familiarize oneself thoroughly with
  5. put clothing on one's body同义词:wear, put on, don, assume


  1. Nobody likes to get into trouble.没有谁愿意惹麻烦。
  2. I can't get into these shoes--they are too small.我不能穿进这双鞋--它们太小了。
  3. There is no need to get into a stew; everything will be all right.没有必要烦恼,一切都会好起来的。
  4. I don't know what's got into him recently; he's become very bad-tempered.不知道他最近怎麽了,脾气变得坏极了。
  5. I haven't really got into my new job yet.我还未真正熟悉新工作。
  6. I'm really getting into jazz these days.近来我喜爱上爵士乐了。
  7. How did she get into (ie start taking) drugs?她是怎麽吸起毒来的?
  8. I can't get into these shoes; they're too small.这双鞋太小了,我穿不进去。