favor是什么意思 favor在线中文翻译



n. 好意, 喜爱
vt. 赐予, 支持, 喜欢, 证实
【经】 希望; 支持


副词:favoringly 名词:favorer 动词过去式:favored 过去分词:favored 现在分词:favoring 第三人称单数:favors 


名词 favor:

  1. an act of gracious kindness同义词:favour
  2. an advantage to the benefit of someone or something同义词:favour
  3. an inclination to approve同义词:favour
  4. a feeling of favorable regard同义词:favour
  5. souvenir consisting of a small gift given to a guest at a party同义词:party favor, party favour, favour

动词 favor:

  1. promote over another同义词:prefer, favour
  2. consider as the favorite同义词:favour
  3. treat gently or carefully同义词:favour
  4. bestow a privilege upon同义词:privilege, favour


  1. Could you do me a big favor?能否请你帮我个忙?
  2. That might be in your favor.那可能对你有利。
  3. Would you do me a favor?你能帮我一个忙吗?
  4. In their discussion, I was in favor of Mr. Li.在他们的争论中,我支持李先生。
  5. One that enjoys special favor or regard.受宠的人或物受到特别喜爱或对待的人或物
  6. Public opinion was moving strongly in favor of disarmament.公众舆论正在强烈支持裁军。
  7. A mother mustn't favor one of her children more than the others.母亲不应对任何一个儿女有所偏爱。
  8. He did all he could to win his favor.他尽其所能去赢得他的好感。


n.(名词)A gracious, friendly, or obliging act that is freely granted:亲切:自然流露出的仁慈的、友爱的、恩惠的行为:例句:do someone a favor.帮助人
Friendly or favorable regard; approval or support:好感,喜爱:友好的或喜爱的看法;赞扬或支持:例句:won the favor of the monarch; looked with favor on the plan.赢得君王的好感;赞同这个计划
A state of being held in such regard:喜爱:被喜欢的状态:例句:a style currently in favor.现今流行的款式
Unfair partiality; favoritism.偏爱:不公正地喜欢;偏袒
A privilege or concession.特权,特许favors Sexual privileges, especially as granted by a woman. favors 以身相许:性权利,尤指女人给男人的
Something given as a token of love, affection, or remembrance.信物,纪念品:作为爱、喜爱或纪念的一种标志A small decorative gift given to each guest at a party.礼物:晚会上送给客人的装饰小礼品Advantage; benefit:好处;有利:例句:sailed under favor of cloudless skies.在天空无云的帮助下飞行
Behalf; interest:利益;益处:例句:an error in our favor.对我方有益的错误
Obsolete A communication, especially a letter.【废语】 通讯,尤指信函Archaic 【古语】 Aspect or appearance.模样,面貌Countenance; face.容貌;脸部Obsolete A facial feature.【废语】 面貌特征v.(动词)fa.vored,fa.vor.ing,fa.vors v.tr.(及物动词)To perform a kindness or service for; oblige.See Synonyms at oblige 给予:对…仁慈,为…服务;帮忙参见 obligeTo treat or regard with friendship, approval, or support.关照,赞成:友好、赞同、支持地对待To be partial to; indulge a liking for:偏爱:偏袒;放纵对…的喜爱:例句:favors bright colors.偏爱亮色
To be or tend to be in support of.赞成:支持,趋向于支持To make easier or more possible; facilitate:协助,便于:使更容易或更有可能;协助:例句:Darkness favored their escape.黑暗掩护他们逃跑
To treat with care; be gentle with:关怀:关心地对待;对…温柔:例句:favored my wounded leg.关注我受伤的腿
Chiefly Southern U.S. To resemble in appearance:【多用于美国南部】 面貌相似:例句:She favors her father.她酷似乃父
v.intr.Chiefly Southern U.S. (不及物动词)【多用于美国南部】 To resemble another in appearance:相象:与另一个在面貌上相仿:例句:She and her father favor.她和她父亲容貌相象
<习惯用语>in favor of
In support of; approving:支持;赞同:例句:We are in favor of her promotion to president.我们赞成她升为总裁
To the advantage of:有利于:例句:The court decided in favor of the plaintiff.法庭的判决有利于原告
Inscribed or made out to the benefit of:以…为受款人:以…为受款人而写上或题上:例句:a check in favor of a charity.以一个慈善机构为受款人的票据
习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin 源自 拉丁语 from favôre [to be favorable] 源自 favôre [成为有利的]
adv.(副词)<注释>When a Southernerfavors a relative, he or she is not giving that person special privileges;rather, the Southerner looks like that relative.Favor can be either transitive— She favors her father — or intransitive with a compound subject: She and her father favor. This sense offavor goes back to early modern English: .This young lord Chamont/Favors my mother. (Ben Jonson).The verb derives from the nounfavor, which was used from the 5th to the 9th century to mean .appearance, aspect; the countenance, face.: .What makes thy favor like the bloodless head/Fall`n on the blockô. (Tennyson).This sense of the noun is now archaic,but the verb thrives in the English of the Southern United States.当一个南方人favors 一个亲属, 他(或她)不是给这个人特权;而是这个南方人长得像那个亲属。Favor 可以是及物的—— 她像她父亲—— 或不及物的,与复合主语连用: 她和她父亲相象。 Favor 的这种含义可以上溯到早期的现代英语: .这个年轻的贵族像我妈妈. (本·杰森)。这动词来源于名词favor, 在5世纪到9世纪被作为.外貌,样子;面貌,脸部.的意思用: .什么使你的脸毫无血色,脑袋耷拉下来ô. (坦尼森)。名词的这一用法现在已经陈旧了,但动词仍在美国南部英语中流行注释>