eminence是什么意思 eminence在线中文翻译



n. 显赫, 名家, 高处
【医】 隆起, 隆凸


名词 eminence:

  1. high status importance owing to marked superiority同义词:distinction, preeminence, note
  2. a protuberance on a bone especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament同义词:tuberosity, tubercle


  1. Greatness is an eminence, the ascent to which is steep and lofty.伟大是一种声誉,攀登上去是陡峭而险峻的。
  2. She was strongly committed to her job, a policewoman by eminence.她非常忠于职守,一位典型的(卓越的)女警察。
  3. I reached eminence as a doctor.我已成为名医。
  4. He has achieved eminence in his profession.他在职业上出人头地。


n.(名词)A position of great distinction or superiority:卓越,显赫:杰出的或卓越的地位:例句:rose to eminence as a surgeon.成为一位杰出的外科医生
A rise of ground; a hill.高地;山丘
A person of high station or great achievements.高位者:地位高或有杰出成就的人Also Eminence Roman Catholic Church Used withHis or Your as a title and form of address for a cardinal. 也作 Eminence 【罗马天主教】 阁下:与他的你的 一起使用作为提到主教时的头衔和形式