bearing是什么意思 bearing在线中文翻译



n. 举止, 轴承, 忍受, 关系, 意义, 方向, 生育
【化】 轴承
have a most important bearing on...
have no bearing on...


名词 bearing:

  1. relevant relation or interconnection
  2. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies同义词:heading, aim
  3. dignified manner or conduct同义词:comportment, presence, mien
  4. characteristic way of bearing one's body同义词:carriage, posture
  5. heraldry consisting of a design or image depicted on a shield同义词:charge, heraldic bearing, armorial bearing
  6. a rotating support placed between moving parts to allow them to move easily

动词 bear:

  1. have同义词:bear
  2. cause to be born同义词:give birth, deliver, bear, birth, have
  3. put up with something or somebody unpleasant同义词:digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put up
  4. move while holding up or supporting同义词:bear
  5. bring forth, "The apple tree bore delicious apples this year"同义词:bear, turn out
  6. take on as one's own the expenses or debts of another person同义词:bear, take over, accept, assume
  7. contain or hold; have within同义词:hold, bear, carry, contain
  8. bring in同义词:yield, pay, bear
  9. have on one's person同义词:wear, bear
  10. behave in a certain manner同义词:behave, acquit, bear, deport, conduct, comport, carry
  11. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices同义词:bear, hold
  12. support or hold in a certain manner同义词:hold, carry, bear
  13. be pregnant with同义词:have a bun in the oven, bear, carry, gestate, expect

形容词 bearing:

  1. (of a structural member) withstanding a weight or strain
  2. producing or yielding


  1. The ambassador arrived bearing gifts for the Queen.大使携礼物觐见女王。
  2. The angry farmer was bearing down on us.那个怒气冲冲的农民迅速地向我们逼来
  3. He's bearing up well against all his misfortunes.他以坚强的意志对待他所有的不幸。
  4. I saw a tombstone bearing the date 1602.我见到一块刻有1602年字样的墓碑。
  5. We must consider this question in all its bearings.我们因该考虑到问题的各方面。
  6. Her dignified bearing throughout the trial made everyone believe she was innocent.在整个审讯的过程中,她那端庄的举止使得每个人都相信她是无辜的。

n.(名词)The manner in which one carries or conducts oneself:举止,风度:一个人的行为方式:例句:the poise and bearing of a champion.冠军泰然自若的风度
A machine or structural part that supports another part.支承:机器或建筑起支撑作用的结构部分A device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of motion between fixed and moving machine parts.轴承:在机器两个固定运动部分之间起支撑、引导或减少运动摩擦的装置Something that supports weight.支撑物:支撑重量的东西The part of an arch or beam that rests on a support.支架:搁在支撑物上的拱架或梁的一部分
The act, power, or period of producing fruit or offspring.生产期,结实期:结果实或产仔的行为、能力和周期The quantity produced; yield.产量:生产出的数量;产量Direction, especially angular direction measured from one position to another using geographical or celestial reference lines.方位,相对位置:方向,尤指用地理学的或天体图线测量的从一个固定位置到另一个位置的带有角度的方向Often bearings Awareness of one`s position or situation relative to one`s surroundings: 常作 bearings 方向:对自己的位置、环境、状况的认识:例句:lost my bearings after taking the wrong exit.走错出口后我便迷了路
Relevant relationship or interconnection:关系,关联:相关的关系或内部联系:例句:Those issues have no bearing on our situation.那些问题与我们的情况无关
Heraldry A charge or device on a field.【纹章学】 徽章底色上的图案标记
<参考词汇><同义词>bearing,manner,demeanor,mien,presence同义词>These nouns pertain to a person`s behavior as it reveals such distinctive personal qualities as his or her individuality or upbringing.这些名词都反映人的个性特征和由教养所决定的行为。 Bearing, the most inclusive, applies to both physical posture and general conduct: Bearing 含义最广,适用于身体形态和一般行为: 例句:has the erect bearing of a soldier.具有挺拔的军人风度。
例句:.That is Claudio. I know him by his bearing. (Shakespeare). .那是克劳迪欧,一看他的样子就能认出来. (莎士比亚)。
Manner is a person`s characteristic conduct or comportment: Manner 指一个人富有个性的行为和举止: 例句:her pleasant, shy manner;她愉快,羞涩的举止;
例句:their arrogant, overbearing manner.他们傲慢、专横的态度。
Demeanor is behavior that reveals to others one`s personality or attitude: Demeanor 向其他人表明其个性和态度的行为: 例句:.The President`s outward demeanor was genial and relaxed. (Edmund S. Muskie). .总统仪态总是和蔼的,轻松的. (埃德蒙S·马斯基)。
Mien pertains to bearing especially as it reflects an inner state of mind: Mien 尤指表现内心情感的态度: 例句:She maintained her serious mien until the interview was over.直到访问结束她一直保持严肃的态度。
Presence denotes the quality of commanding respectful attention:Presence 指摆出威严的,令人肃然起敬的架式:例句:.[Sir Thomas] More was a man of stately and handsome presence . (Horace Walpole). .〔托马斯爵士〕莫尔是个威严、庄重、英俊的人 . (霍拉斯·沃波尔)。