cycle是什么意思 cycle在线中文翻译



n. 周期, 循环, 自行车, 一段时间, 整套
vi. 循环, 轮转, 骑自行车
vt. 使循环, 使轮转
【计】 环路; 周期; 循环
【医】 周期, 环, 循环; 周波数
【经】 周期, 循环


名词:cycler 动词过去式:cycled 过去分词:cycled 现在分词:cycling 第三人称单数:cycles 


名词 cycle:

  1. an interval during which a recurring sequence of events occurs同义词:rhythm, round
  2. a series of poems or songs on the same theme
  3. a periodically repeated sequence of events
  4. the unit of frequency; one hertz has a periodic interval of one second同义词:hertz, Hz, cycle per second, cycles/second, cps
  5. a single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon同义词:oscillation
  6. a wheeled vehicle that has two wheels and is moved by foot pedals同义词:bicycle, bike, wheel

动词 cycle:

  1. cause to go through a recurring sequence
  2. pass through a cycle
  3. ride a motorcycle同义词:motorbike, motorcycle
  4. ride a bicycle同义词:bicycle, bike, pedal, wheel
  5. recur in repeating sequences


  1. Her latest stunt is riding a motor cycle through a ring of flames.她的最新特技表演是骑摩托车钻火圈。
  2. The pedals of a cycle are attached to the crank.自行车的踏板与曲柄相连。
  3. I am unable to cycle to school because my bicycle is broken.我不能骑车上学,因为我的自行车坏了。
  4. Cycle across America? Sounds a bit dodgy to me.骑自行车横越美国? 听起来有些冒险。
  5. The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.商业周期就是淡旺期交替。
  6. A series or process that finishes at its starting point or continuously repeats itself; a cycle.循环,周而复始结束在其起点或持续重复其自身的系列或过程; 循环
  7. He goes to work by cycle.他骑自行车上班。
  8. This is the cycle of economic booms and slumps.这是经济繁荣和经济萧条的周期变化。


n.(名词)An interval of time during which a characteristic, often regularly repeated event or sequence of events occurs:周期,循环期:一段时间间隔,在这段时间里通常是有规律重复的事件或者其后果会出现:例句:Sunspots increase and decrease in intensity in an -year cycle.太阳黑子以十一年为一个周期增强和减弱
A single complete execution of a periodically repeated phenomenon:循环:一种简单完整的周期性重复发生的现象:例句:A year constitutes a cycle of the seasons.一年由四季的周期循环组成
A periodically repeated sequence of events:周而复始:一个周期反复的事件的后果:例句:the cycle of birth, growth, and death; a cycle of reprisal and retaliation.出生,成长,死亡的循环;冤冤相报
The orbit of a celestial body.天体的轨道A long period of time; an age.时代:非常长的一段时间;时代
The aggregate of traditional poems or stories organized around a central theme or hero:集成:围绕同一主题或者英雄的传统诗歌或者故事的集合:例句:the Arthurian cycle.亚瑟王传奇故事集成
A series of poems or songs on the same theme:诗集,组歌:同一主题的系列诗或者歌:例句:Schubert`s song cycles.舒伯特的组歌
A bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.自行车,摩托车:自行车,摩托车,或者类似的交通工具Botany A circular or whorled arrangement of flower parts such as those of petals or sepals.【植物学】 花序:花的圆形或者螺纹状的排列,比如花瓣或者萼片v.(动词)cy.cled,cy.cling,cy.cles v.intr.(不及物动词)To occur in or pass through a cycle.周而复始,循环:周期性的发生或者运动To move in or as if in a cycle.循环:周期地或者好象周期性地运动To ride a bicycle, motorcycle, or similar vehicle.骑车:骑自行车,摩托车或者类似交通工具及物动词)To use in or put through a cycle:运转,循环:循环使用或者循环通过:例句:cycled the heavily soiled laundry twice; cycling the recruits through eight weeks of basic training.把那个肮脏无比的衣物洗两遍;通过八星期的基本训练使新手上岗
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Late Latin cyclus 源自 后期拉丁语 cyclus from Greek kuklos [circle] * see k wel- 源自 希腊语 kuklos [循环] *参见 k wel-