fatal是什么意思 fatal在线中文翻译



a. 致命的, 重大的, 命运注定的, 粗心的, 不幸的
【医】 致命的, 致死的
be fatal to...


deadly, fatal, mortal, lethal
deadly: 指能致命或实际已致命的事物,也可指企图致死他人的人。
fatal: 正式用词,强调死亡的不可避免性,多用于指伤或疾病等。
mortal: 语气强,指导致死亡的直接原因。
lethal: 指由于某物本身具有致命的性能。


形容词 fatal:

  1. bringing death
  2. having momentous consequences; of decisive importance同义词:fateful
  3. (of events) having extremely unfortunate or dire consequences; bringing ruin同义词:black, calamitous, disastrous, fateful
  4. controlled or decreed by fate; predetermined同义词:fateful


  1. Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years.近年来死亡事故发生的频率已经下降。
  2. The flight paths of the aeroplanes crossed, with fatal results.飞机的航线互相交错铸成人命惨祸。
  3. Death is instantaneous in a fatal accident.在致命的事故中,死亡是即刻发生的。
  4. Your argument has a fatal flaw.你的论点有一个致命的错误。
  5. This was his fatal defect; he was of feeble will.这是他致命的弱点,他意志薄弱。
  6. His illness was fatal to our plan.他的患病给我们的计划带来灾难。


adj.(形容词)Causing or capable of causing death.致命的:引起死亡的,能够引起死亡的Causing ruin or destruction; disastrous:毁灭性的:引起毁灭或破坏的;灾难的:例句:.Such doctrines, if true, would be absolutely fatal to my theory.(Charles Darwin).这些教条如果是真的,将对我的理论有着绝对的毁灭性.(查尔斯·达尔文)
Of decisive importance; fateful.决定性的:有决定的重要性的;重大的Determining destiny; controlled by fate.命中注定的:决定命运的;由命运控制的Obsolete Having been destined; fated.【废语】 已定下来的;避免不了的
来源:Middle English [fateful] 中古英语 [决定命运的] from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin f3t3lis 源自 拉丁语 f3t3lis from f3tum [prophecy, doom] * see fate 源自 f3tum [预言,命运] *参见 fate
<参考词汇><同义词>fatal,deadly,mortal,lethal同义词>These adjectives apply to what causes or is likely to cause death.这些形容词指引起或可能引起死亡的。 Fatal describes conditions, circumstances, or events that have caused or are destined inevitably to cause death or dire consequences: Fatal 描述条件、环境或事件已引起或注定不可避免地会引起死亡或悲惨的结果: 例句:a fatal accident;致命的事故;
例句:a fatal illness.致命的病症,
例句:.It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it. (Douglas MacArthur)..不抱赢的希望参加战争,那是必死无疑的. (道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟)。
Deadly means capable of killing: Deadly 指杀伤力: 例句:a deadly weapon;致命的武器;
例句:a deadly poison.致命的毒药,
Mortal describes a condition or action that has produced or is about to produce death: Mortal 描述状况或行为已经产生或将要产生死亡: 例句:a mortal wound.致命伤。
Lethal refers to a sure agent of death that may have been created solely for the purpose of killing: Lethal 指确定的死亡原因,有可能是为谋杀而策划的: 例句:execution by lethal injection;致死性注射的死刑;
例句:a lethal dose of barbiturates. 巴比妥酸盐的致死药量