Einstein是什么意思 Einstein在线中文翻译



n. 爱因斯坦
【化】 爱因斯坦(能量的单位)


名词 einstein:

  1. physicist born in Germany who formulated the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity; Einstein also proposed that light consists of discrete quantized bundles of energy (later called photons) (1879-1955)同义词:Albert Einstein
  2. someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality同义词:genius, mastermind, brain, brainiac


  1. Einstein was a mathematical genius.爱因斯坦是数学天才。
  2. Can he be another Einstein?他能成为另一个爱因斯坦吗?
  3. Einstein was a great scientific genius.爱因斯坦是个伟大的科学天才。
  4. Einstein was a prominent scientist.爱因斯坦是一位卓越的科学家。
  5. Classical scientific ideas about light were changed by Einstein.爱因斯坦改变了科学上关于光的传统观念。


NONE(无词性)German-born American theoretical physicist whose special and general theories of relativity revolutionized modern thought on the nature of space and time and formed a theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy. He won a 92 Nobel Prize for his explanation of the photoelectric effect.爱因斯坦,阿尔贝特:(879-955) 德裔美国理论物理学家,他创立的狭义和广义相对论使现代关于时间和时间性质的想法发生突破性进展并给原子能的利用提供了理论基础。 因其对光电效应的解释获92年诺贝尔奖