belonging是什么意思 belonging在线中文翻译



【法】 附属物


名词 belonging:

  1. happiness felt in a secure relationship

动词 belong:

  1. be owned by; be in the possession of同义词:belong
  2. originate (in)同义词:dwell, consist, lie, belong, lie in
  3. be suitable or acceptable同义词:belong
  4. be in the right place or situation同义词:belong, go
  5. be classified with同义词:belong


  1. It seems the vows of chastity belonging to a nun.这似乎是一个修女的贞操誓言。
  2. The fellow that calls you "brother" generally wants something that doesn't belong to him.凡是跟你“称兄道弟”的家伙,通常总在打算从你那儿弄到些不属于他自己的东西。
  3. Land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state.皇室的领地并非属于国王私人所有,而是属于国家的。
  4. The cases and belongings of a traveler.旅行行李旅游者的随身衣物及箱子
  5. The hammer belongs (in the shed) with the rest of the tools.这把锤子通常和(工具房的)其他工具放在一起。

n.(名词)Often belongings Personal items that one owns; possessions. 常作 belongings 个人所有物;拥有物Close, secure relationship:亲密可靠的关系:例句:a sense of belonging.一种归宿感